Known as the world’s favourite micro-blogging site, Twitter is a social media platform where users ‘tweet’ status updates of 140 characters or less. With 200 million registered accounts, Twitter is the “go-to” place for early adopters, professionals, sports stars, managers, directors, celebrities and organizations wanting to give out—and get—instant news, views and information.
Some people might see Twitter as nothing more than a massive time-waster, but used in the right way, this social media site can be the job seeker’s best friend. Whether you’re finding your first job, aiming to switch jobs, changing careers, or seeking out work experience or voluntary placement, this e-book will show you how to get to where you want to be with Twitter.
Find out in this great e-book the following
• Getting to grips with the basics as a Twitter beginner
• Following the right people and attracting the right followers
• Knowing how to find jobs of interest
• Making sure you aren’t spamming or being spammed
• Using Twitter to showcase your talents
• Mastering the art of tweeting
• Learning the Twitter lingo.
Click here to download your copy of 125 Twitter Job Search Tips from Position Ignition