The Association of Women Art Dealers exists to foster, promote collaboration and business deals between UK-based women art dealers and gallerists through meetings, talks and events. AWAD members are predominantly based in London and the South-East, however, many members deal and work worldwide. Membership is open to professional art dealers and gallerists. We pride ourselves on facilitating a level platform for art dealers at all points in one’s career, ranging from senior established professionals to start-up gallerists (the latter receiving invaluable mentoring from established peers).
AWAD’s monthly meeting provides an art business forum for brokering business deals, starting collaborations, learning from guest speakers about specific professions relevant to the field (e.g., social media, SEO, accounting and PR), seeking advice from fellow arts professionals on art fairs and other events, generally exchanging ideas and gaining support from fellow members. We also hold quarterly ‘AWAD Socials’ that are open to all women working in the commercial art world.
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