Women for Media UK is a database of female leaders in business, finance, government and the not-for-profit sectors who are available for media comment on the key topics of the day (note this is not about media comment on “women’s issues”). The database is an online platform that directly connects journalists to these female subject matter experts with the aim of raising the visibility of female leaders throughout the media and beyond, as well as providing journalists with easy access to their thought leadership.
The database was created by the 30% Club as a response to the lack of female voices in the media contributing to broader debates. Many journalists have said that they would be happy to have a female commentator but that they don’t know where to find her. This database will not only resolve that issue and help the journalists find expert female sources quickly and effectively, but it can also build the public profile of the women involved.
Since its launch in mid-May, the database has had an incredibly positive reception and has already doubled in size. There are now over 100 female experts on it, which already includes 18 CEOs and 19 founders representing 37 sectors as varied as biotechnology, engineering, zoology, economics, international diplomacy etc.
For more information about Women for Media and instructions on how to submit names click here.