Career Advice: Career Opportunities for Women in the Finance Industry

Traditionally speaking, men have always dominated the finance industry, with very few women holding influential positions.

Women in financeHowever, times are now beginning to change, and more and more women are starting to occupy top jobs in the finance sector. However, in saying that, representation of women in finance is still far from 50/50, and there are some barriers to entry for women. This, however, isn’t the case in every job and here, we look at the best career opportunities for women in finance.

Financial Advisers

There are still comparatively few female financial advisors, but the number is rising. With women now owning 51% of America’s personal wealth, this is perhaps unsurprising, with more and more companies looking to recruit women as employees as well as clients.

As part of this, a number of large firms have taken up diversity initiatives, not only to ensure more women can take up positions as financial advisors, but people from different backgrounds, classes and socio-economic statuses can, too.

Many new financial advisors work in teams (these are known as TFAs). These teams usually include both people with experience and those looking to start a new career as a financial advisor; which makes it incredibly accessible for people of all experience levels. On the job training is then provided as a form of apprenticeship. If you’re looking for a way into the financial sector, then working as part of a team of financial advisors could be for you if you can find the right company.


Working independently as a trader at home is a great way of getting experience in the financial markets. Trading ETFs can be a great if you’re looking to improve your financial knowledge and knowhow.

ETFs are investment products made up of a ‘basket’ of goods. They can track the performance of indices, sectors, commodities, bonds or currencies. There are a number of benefits for trading ETFs, with many new traders loving them because they can diversify your portfolio in a cost-effective way, all while being easy to trade.

This trading experience will be vital for securing work in a financial company.

Of course, these two careers aren’t the only two that you can have in the finance world, and a vast majority of different options are available. As has been stated, it may still be an uphill struggle for women to get to the higher echelons of the finance world, but it’s becoming easier than it has been previously. Take the plunge and you’ll never look back.

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