Complete the Cityparents Annual Survey and play your part in making a difference

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Cityparents invite you to complete their annual survey, and tell them about your experiences of working life in the City, the factors that influence your health/wellbeing, as well as the support you receive from employers.

The survey can be accessed here and the deadline for completion is Wednesday 5 July. Survey findings will be reported at an aggregate level only and no comments or responses will be attributed to individuals.

The survey is open to all professionals working in the City – not just parents, and not just members of Cityparents. Your responses give us valuable insights into the challenges and successes of combining City work with home responsibilities, and these insights help raise the profile of the issues that affect you most, informing our own activities and shaping the service and support we offer both our members and the employers we work with.

Cityparents is an inclusive network for City professionals who have a shared interest in balancing home/family life with a progressive career. They have over 11,000 members in London representing the law, banking/finance, management consultancy, human resources and accountancy.

Their aim is to provide peer support to those balancing careers and home responsibilities; to help members achieve flexibility in the workplace and maintain career trajectory; and to provide a schedule of informative networking events at convenient times in the City and Canary Wharf, covering relevant topics.

You don’t need to be a parent to join – the Cityprofessionals community is open to everyone interested in having a progressive career and a home life too.


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