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Giving all mums the chance to take part in the digital revolution.

Technology is critical to our future yet many women, particularly mums, are scared of tech, worried about its impact on their children and unaware of the life-changing opportunities it can offer.

#techmums changes that by offering free hands-on workshops and online support to mums in order to give them the confidence, skills and inspiration they need to take part in the digital revolution.

#techmums was relaunched in 2018 by Tech Evangelist Dr Sue Black. #techmums was created as direct response to the noticeable lack of  female representation in the Technology Industry, which still only sits at 17% in 2017. #techmums trains women in key areas including: Tech Skills, The Cloud, Digital Safety and Coding to allow them to enter a new career path and gain confidence regarding returning to employment or setting up their own businesses.