Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. It can be caused by things like the common cold or the cold sore virus or in some cases, by the body’s own immune system attacking the brain in error. There are around 6,000 new cases in England each year and hundreds of thousands more worldwide.
The mortality rate is high and those who survive are often left with an acquired brain injury that robs them of their lives, memories and abilities. It robs their loved ones of the person they once knew.
Infectious Encephalitis frequently begins with a flu-like illness or headache. Other symptoms include a high temperature, seizures, aversion to bright lights, inability to speak or control movement, neck stiffness, or uncharacteristic behaviour. The range of possible symptoms and their rate of development vary widely, and are not just found in Encephalitis. This makes the diagnosis of Encephalitis very difficult.
The Encephalitis Society is currently the only resource of its kind anywhere in the world. We were established in Malton, in 1994 as the Encephalitis Support Group, and since then our work has grown in both size and scope.
We provide direct support to patients, family and medical professionals through a dedicated support team, a network of Regional Representative volunteers and a wealth of information resources that we have developed over the past 20 years.
We fund and collaborate on ground-breaking research to further our understanding of the various forms of Encephalitis. We raise awareness on a global scale, to help the public recognise the early warning signs and to ensure medical professionals gain access to our information on diagnosing Encephalitis.
We receive no statutory funding at all, and rely completely on our fundraising efforts and the generosity of the public to continue our work.
For further information and details on our upcoming events please visit our website www.encephalitis.info