By Mynoo Maryel

In today’s rapidly evolving world, women have more opportunities than ever to design lives they genuinely desire and love.

However, the yearning for a life that flourishes in every dimension comes with its challenges and requires a delicate balance of trust, self-reflection, and learning. Harnessing these strategies can help women transform their dreams into reality, allowing them to redefine their current path to a life filled with purpose, joy and authenticity.

But how do you know where to begin, or understand what the life you desire looks like? In this article, I will be sharing 4 strategies to help women transform their lives, and gain the life they desire and love, through the use of self-reflection, positive affirmations, relieving from burdens and embracing change.

I Am, I Am

To live a life they love and desire, women must first engage in deep self-reflection and reclaim their true identity with the powerful affirmation ‘I AM.’ Words shape our reality, so be mindful of how you describe emotions and experiences. Embrace a language that empowers, maintaining the strength of your identity and fostering self-love.

I am not my emotions, I am not my body, I am not my relationships, I am not my projects, I am not my business, I am not my challenges, I am not my beliefs, I am not my choices, I am I AM.

It’s time to reclaim our identities as who we truly are at our core. Using terms like “I AM Tired”, or “I AM Angry”, dishonours who we are, disconnecting us, and taking us further away from being at the source of our lives. Asking questions like “Why am I upset?” or “Why am I fed up?” can be deeply disempowering, as they question your identity.

Instead, engage in self-reflection by becoming aware of the words you use to describe your feelings and experiences and choose different ones. Opt for expressions like “Why do I experience upset at the moment” or “What is causing this feeling of frustration”. This approach preserves your identity’s core strength and transforms emotions into manageable tasks.

Relieve from the burdens

For women, it is essential to relieve yourself of the burdens that weigh you down. A simple yet powerful act to achieve this is to SHAKE. Connect with your body, feel the pulsation, and shake it all out; as the burdensome energy releases, you’ll naturally relax, finding a renewed sense of lightness and ease.

Daily life can feel overwhelming for many women and the weight of responsibilities can obscure the path to a fulfilling and joyful existence. To release and relieve your burdens, engage in this process: SHAKE. Move your body, and perform a mental exercise. When you follow this process, the cellular energy signatures of the burdens you wish to offload emerge.

Start by focusing on your intention to release, then stand or sit still and stretch your arms out if you can. You will notice a subtle buildup of pulsation in your body. Remain with that feeling until it grows enough for you to start shaking yourself. Continue as the body guides you. Once the burdensome energy signatures have been released, you will automatically start relaxing and come to a halt.

This occurs perfectly as long as you remain connected, aware, and present with and within your body. By doing so, you pave the way to embrace the life you desire and love.

Embrace certainty

Transitioning from thrusting to trusting can lead to profound change. Embracing certainty, courage, and a deeper commitment, allowing every area of your life to elevate and enrich beyond your expectations.

What does it mean to be trusted or trusting? For women, it often means moving away from constantly pushing your agenda, opinions and judgements. Instead, you step into your inner knowing, trusting that everything is unfolding in perfect timing. Embracing this trust helps you recognise that what aligns with your true calling with come to you, and what doesn’t will naturally fall away.

In this state of trust, you grow deeper and stronger, transforming your commitment into resolve. Certainty and confidence begin to flow, and courage becomes an integral part of who you are. For women, this shift from thrusting to trusting can unlock a life of true fulfilment and happiness.

This too shall pass

Women often juggle multiple roles and strive for a life of love and fulfilment, so embracing the mantra ‘This too shall pass.’ can be profoundly comforting. Surrender control, let the natural flow of life unfold with ease, and you will find yourself immersed in a state of joy and enchantment.

The phrase provides instant comfort, reminding individuals that all which does not serve their highest good will eventually move on. This transformation occurs when you make the conscious choice to release, let go, and relinquish all control. When you do, everything falls into place with ease and grace, leaving you in a state of joy.

Flow is our natural state, embodying divine certainty. We often interrupt this flow by believing that we must control everything or know exactly how to achieve our goals, which can make life increasingly challenging. When you catch yourself thinking or saying phrases like “should”, “need to” “must”, you are likely interrupting this natural flow. The beauty of life, including your relationships and daily experiences, is enriched when you allow yourself to be in the flow.

Ultimately, for women to live a life they love and desire, they should start by implementing these 4 strategies – embrace change, and certainty, engage in deep reflection and relieve themselves from burdens. By embracing these codes, you can transform your life into one of gratification, happiness and authenticity.

About the author

As a best-selling author, visionary thought leader, business mentor, and spiritual confidant, Mynoo Maryel embodies a dedication to enriching lives and restoring dignity on a global scale. Through initiatives like the World Dignity Forum (WDF) and the DignifyLife campaign, she champions causes such as nourishing and nurturing every child, empowering women, and fostering flourishing leadership.

In her new book, The Flourishing Code, Mynoo draws upon her inspiring journey to help readers live, share and enjoy a life of aliveness. Both supportive and challenging, the book contains 121 revolutionary codes, to instil harmony and gratitude to guide readers towards enlightened self-discovery. Carefully designed to be easily digestible and implemented, the hand-picked codes are accompanied by self-reflective growth prompts to guide the reader in determining how they could implement the code in their circumstances and build a roadmap towards a life of vitality, wealth, romance and prosperity.

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