The third instalment of the Hunger Games franchise hits our screens today and continues to tell the story of Katniss Everdeen, a woman chosen to lead the rebellion against the autocratic President Snow. Those who have seen the previous films or perhaps even read the novels will know that the original premise of the Hunger Games involved a fight to the death between twelve districts – a scheme that was suggested as a way of keeping the peace.
While we are not suggesting that the office is as dangerous and life-threatening as the Hunger Games, there is certainly a number of things that you can draw from the films and from Katniss Everdeen herself to help you progress and ‘survive’ your career.
A little bit of competition is good
Now we’re not saying you should strike up a Hunger Games tournament around the water cooler to see who will get that latest promotion, but a little competition is healthy for your career.
A competitive atmosphere promotes a more efficient office, with everyone looking to do their very best in order to impress. You can also look to your fellow competitors and analyse their strengths and weaknesses to see how these could be used to your advantage. If you are a manager, be sure to praise and reward those who offer outstanding work – it will keep help keep their motivation up, which in turn increases productivity.
However, it is important not to breed too much competition as this brings with it an unnecessary amount of stress!
Its OK to ask for help
Throughout the games, Katniss relies on the support of those around her – through her mentor, Haymitch; her fellow District 12 tribute, Peeta; and even her competitors. Without this support and lifeline, the films would have been very different.
Much like Katniss, you will struggle in your career if you do not ask for help or are not willing to accept it. Aside from the stress and anxiety to yourself, if you do not ask for help when you are struggling then your level of work will also suffer.
It also doesn’t do any harm to build on these relationships and make a note of who can be relied upon and perhaps where you can return the favour in the future.
Diversity is a good thing
The Hunger Games promotes that although everyone is different, they can each bring their own speciality and skills to the table – much like in an office environment.
Diversity is in the spotlight more and more, especially gender diversity, and it is important to be able to work with people from any walk of life.
Stand up for what you believe in
Finally, the main moral and theme of the Hunger Games franchise is to never give up on what you believe in. This is an important concept to keep in mind throughout your career. Whether it be in terms of workplace treatment, a HR related dispute or the direction in which your business is heading, it is always good to know your own moral compass and your reasoning behind decisions.