How to get the most out of your business card

Business cards are an effective form of marketing and advertising your company.

Printed business cards are a great way of passing on your details to current customers and are often the first impression new contacts or customers will have of your business. A successful card is one that delivers a professional and trustworthy image to recipients.

A business card that is well-thought out and designed is one that recipients will want to hold onto for future reference. This is the ultimate aim of a business card.

You should think carefully about what information you want to have on your business card and the message you wish to promote. It is important to convey the right brand message and image to customers. Business cards demonstrate you are a credible business and reassure potential customers that you are trustworthy and as a company actually exist. Customers may question why you do not have business cards and contact details readily available.

As a customer if you are looking for a phone number or email address to contact a business if you can’t find that information quickly it is simpler to use another company who do have easily accessible details.

Printed business cards are an affordable marketing tool and can be designed and ordered online. Printworks produce quality business cards online.

Networking events are designed to give you the opportunity to meet like-minded business professionals and promote your business. Attending events you will receive a large amount of business cards – how many do you actually keep hold of after the event?

You want your business card to be one that is held onto by contacts and not just discarded after the event and forgotten about. When handing out cards use your right hand – in certain countries it is an insult to hand them out with your left hand.

Business cards are a visual reminder of who you are and what services your business provides. Networking events can often be chaotic with lots of different people to talk to and meet – unless you have a physical reminder of who everyone is and their business you can easily forget who you met.

If you do not have business cards to hand out at networking events how will people remember your business?

The advantage of business cards is that they are a convenient size to fit into a wallet or purse. The basic information to include is your company name and logo, phone number, email address, company address, and job title and name if individual employees have their own cards. It is a good idea to use colours specific to your business to create a brand identity across all forms of printed advertising and correspondence. Having a consistent colour scheme enhances your brand identity and ensures a strong brand association for existing and potential new clients.

Make an impact with your business card.

There are a number of different finishes and paper options available when designing your card. Simple is always best when it comes to the text and layout. Space is limited so keep text to a minimum but include all of the necessary contact details and information. You want the text to be as clear and readable as possible it is also an idea to keep space around the text to prevent the design looking cluttered.

Your card is an advert so you want your key messages to be prominent and stand out.

Keeping to the standard size means customers can carry it around easily. If you are struggling to fit the information on why not consider a double-sided business card? Studies have shown including an image or picture make business cards much more memorable. An unusual or tactile finish is another way of making your card stand out from the crowd, choosing a robust and heavy weight paper signals to customers that you can deliver quality.

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