Mavis Amankwah has been described as ‘a trailblazer and pioneer in her field’. She is the managing director Rich Visions, a marketing and PR agency, and is also the founder of NV Fashion and Beauty. A former journalist, IT consultant and event manager, Mavis now divides her time between running her businesses, PR coaching, raising her young family and penning her first book. We caught up with Mavis at her home to ask her how she manages to balance her busy life.….
What made you decide to set up your company?
Running my own business was out of passion….I had been organising cultural events for years while working as a qualified IT Manager and decided that I enjoyed organising and managing cultural events and getting involved in the local community. While working on various government and social economic initiatives in my spare time, I realised that there was a niche in the market. Mainstream organisations needed to reach ethnic communities effectively, and that’s exactly what I was doing socially, hence the birth of Rich Visions.
What have been your biggest challenges so far in the company?
Juggling my personal and professional life during the economic downturn. You find yourself working a 10 hour day in the office, coming home and preparing for tomorrow’s day! The challenge for me is being able to shut off the laptop and just relax with my family!
If there was one thing that you could say was a great success, what would it be?
Getting into the 2009 PR Week Power Book, the definitive guide to the most influential people in PR! It was a great achievement and I was very proud!
How do you see the market performing in the next 12-18 months?
Impact on marketing budgets is only being felt now. Most organisations are cutting costs on all but essentials. However I would argue that now is the time to maintain a healthy marketing budget to ensure that businesses are in a good position to compete effectively once we come out of the recession.
If you could go back to when you started the company would you change anything?
I would not change a single thing. All of the ups and downs, the successes and pitfalls have all shaped the company to what it is today! I am great believer in learning from mistakes!
When and if you get the time, what do you like to do in obtain a life balance?
It is difficult balancing professional and personal lives; it takes a great deal of planning as you don’t want either one to suffer. When I do have time off I like to spend time with my two children aged 8 and 14, travelling and reading.
Can you share any tips for any members wishing to start out on their own?
My advice to members who are thinking of starting their own business is do not be fearless! Research your product, your competitors and your ensure that your goals are SMART
S Specific
M Measurable
A Achievable
R Realistic
T Tangible
For further information about Rich Visions log on to or or call 020 8555 2200