In 2013, the Women’s Business Council devised and published a strategy which sought to capitalise on the skills and talents of women.
This strategy formed part of a larger initiative to support long-term UK economic growth and was derived, in the main, from one simple observation: the existence of a vast pool of untapped female talent, something which collectively had the potential to drive significant economic growth.
Despite launching our strategy against a backdrop of unprecedented economic struggle, we remained committed to demonstrating the benefits of women’s contribution to the UK economy.
And we are pleased to see that we are making progress. Last year we reported there was an estimated 2.4 million women not working but who wanted to. That figure now stands at 2.3 million women1, as more and more women have taken up employment over the last year, which is really encouraging news. Since we published our report in 2013, we now see the highest ever employment rates for women and a near zero gender pay gap for the under 40s working full time2. Things are certainly moving in the right direction. – Forward by Ruby McGergor-Smith, CBE