We passionately believe that difference is something we all have in common, regardless of what that difference might be.

We use our extensive internal and external networks to reinforce this vision and remind everyone how import it is to value difference. We use our voice to help everyone find and express their own difference inside and outside of the workplace. The work we do throughout the year supports this vision, so expect to see invites coming out for events focused around building personal and professional strength and resilience.

What we do:

We’re here to support the personal and career well-being of our members. We hold a variety of events throughout the year and we pride ourselves in getting Gays, Lesbians and Everyone Else engaged. Some of our events include:

We also fundraise and volunteer in the community. We’re founding supporters and sponsors of Galeforce Capital, the first global initiative dedicated to supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) social enterprises.

We raised over £22,000 for Stonewall’s anti-homophobic bullying campaign in 2012.