Hilary Ellis & Lisa Westbury

We are Hilary Ellis and Lisa Westbury, co-founders of Career Garden. We specialise in career coaching, leadership coaching and masterclasses for professional women, especially those working in challenging environments such as Tech / Digital, Finance and Law. We care deeply about helping women progress in their careers, to feel confident in using their distinctive talents and strengths and be fully recognised for the contribution they make at work.

Career Garden brings together our individual talents and professional experiences drawn from both the corporate and public sector in the UK and internationally. Our approach is rooted in the belief that women have an important contribution to make in the workplace and in business. Yet sometimes they need dedicated developmental time and support to make important shifts to become more visible, to have greater impact and stronger influence. We know from our research that working together in partnership with a coach or a group of like minded peers can be an exceptionally productive, creative and insightful process.

We help women shape their goals, explore and stretch their abilities in a safe and confidential place, building the resources they need to fully realise their talents in the workplace.

You need different things at different points in your career. Sometimes you might put intensive effort into stepping up to a leadership role, or you might want to explore and develop a more fulfilling career path, or looking for support as you transition back to work after maternity leave.

Career Garden can provide you with different approaches suited to your different needs whether that is through individual coaching, leadership developmentmasterclasses in a group setting or a comprehensive career growth programme.

Contact us to arrange a chat and find out more.