Playback: AI Ethics for Social Justice: How bias enters into AI? webinar | Merve Hickok

WeAreVirtual: AI Ethics for Social Justice: How bias enters into AI? webinar | Merve Hickok

Recorded live 28 May 2020

AI and automated decision making systems are becoming more prominent in our lives and without much oversight, transparency or accountability.

They are already used by governments, agencies or private companies for decisions related to predictive policing, school admissions, health decisions, welfare or benefit eligibility, immigration detention risk calculation, criminal risk, housing, recruitment or credit scoring – just to name a few.

This webinar provides an overview of why ethics matter in AI systems, how you can unintentionally build bias in your product, what is the impact of that biased AI on society & and your brand.It then reviews current debate on bias systems in recruitment / hiring decisions to underline the importance of ethical, explainable, unbiased AI systems for individual and social justice.


About Merve

Merve Hickok

Merve Hickok is the founder of Lighthouse Career Consulting and , which is a global repository for published AI Principles, Frameworks & Guidelines, National Strategies, Organizations, Pledges, Legislation, Case Studies – as well as research on AI impact on Justice System, Future of Work and Public Disinformation. Merve has 15+ years of senior level HR & Sales experience in Fortune 100 companies (Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Marriott Corporation), working on Diversity & Inclusion, College Recruitment, HR Technologies and Sales projects spanning more than 20 countries.

She currently works at a Nevada-based social enterprise (High Sierra Industries) focused on learning systems for individuals with intellectual disabilities. She is in charge of HIPAA Privacy & Security, as well as the overall information security for the organization.Merve is also a member of the board of directors for Northern Nevada International Center (University of Nevada-Reno), Management Committee member for Sierra Club Toiyabe (Nevada) Chapter, and volunteers for a number of organizations working on community empowerment.

Merve’s AI ethics advocacy work through lectures, speaking engagements and her website on AI & ethics and bias is focused on elevating the conversation, and increasing the public knowledge of the impact of AI and automated decision making systems in our lives and working for oversight, transparency or accountability.

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