Whether we are addressing challenging behaviour, clarifying our boundaries or managing performance, we need to ensure our. communication is clear, respectful and effective.
Our focus in this webinar will be:
Felicity Lerouge is a Leadership Development Consultant, specialising in personal effectiveness, communication, company culture and employee engagement. Since she founded her company, Phenomenal People Ltd, in 2010, she has supported her clients through consultancy, programme design, facilitation and executive coaching. She has worked with clients such as corporate giant BA as well as start-ups and not for profit organisations.
She is known for her insightful, engaging style, which inspires leaders to reconnect with their passion for their roles, develop their skill sets and empower their teams.
Her leadership insights come from a melange of unconventional environments, where collaborative, self-leadership is more effective than bureaucratic models. She understands what makes teams thrive in rapidly changing environments.