Sonya Barlow is the founder of LMF Network CiC, a global community dedicated to reducing inequalities and providing a foundation to succeed to womxn and underrepresented individuals through life skills workshops, digital training, a supportive community and access to expertise for everyone. She is also the founder of her own diversity consultancy and specialises in consulting on inclusive cultures, change management and confidence in the workplace. Sonya is valued for her public speaking skills, which includes delivering two TEDxTalks, facilitating workshops for the likes of General Assembly and delivering key notes across European conferences. Sonya has been recognised as a Rising Star (2017); UK Tech Business Woman of the Year Finalist (2018), Winner of Pitchfanzine (2019 and TechWomen200 finalist (2019). She is passionate about enabling inclusive cultures, educating on life skills and empowering confidence in all to achieve personal success. Her Ted talk is now on YouTube titled “Failures come before Resilience” @sonyabarlowuk
All our WeAreVirtual speakers have kindly offered to ‘pay-it-forward’, pledging to share their expertise. Thanks to our speakers, we’re covering a myriad of webinar topics relating to both work and life. You can expect everything from managing your mental health to managing virtual teams. You can find out more about the webinar series and book on to sessions here.
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