For the why, what and how successful women make the most of their lives!
What is the New Girls’ Network?
The New Girls’ Network is a digital platform which will trigger a revolution in women’s superpowers. It starts with a live event in London on 10 May 2012 and then goes digital.
It is about unlocking the latent, innate talents that women have to massive, positive effect. Men are welcome to join the revolution of course: women don’t have a fixed monopoly on these ‘superpowers’; just a headstart…
Right now, women are delivering great achievements at work and in their communities. Women don’t need to become like men to get ahead and treating the advancement of women as a problem misses their potential. Women have innate talents that can make work more fulfilling and supercharges performance.
Unleashing abilities women already have we can catapult women from their existing successes to mass performance. Everyone benefits from this: colleagues, organisations, the economy, our community as a whole and of course women themselves.
What are these superpowers?
Women have natural head start in certain skills that high can benefit both society and business. We like to call them ‘superpowers’. The skills include diplomacy, empathy, deep listening, collaboration, lack of ego, ability to read faces, lateral thinking, intuiting situations, charm, charisma, humour and a wider perspective not seen frequently enough in the halls of power.
Acting with integrity to raise the status of those around you without diminishing your own worth are characteristics of the most successful leaders in the world. Performance improves because impact improves.
- Individuals thrive using it because they rely on skills authentic to themselves, not an adopted persona put on for work.
- Colleagues love it because they are suddenly working with someone who can validate their strengths and encourage new strengths.
- Clients adore it because happy high status means they are treated with respect and understanding, even within commercial parameters and constraints.
- Managers love it because communication flows much more easily and employee development suddenly becomes a positive experience for all.
Personal impact isn’t the sole domain of superstars or a few leading lights of business, who were seemingly born with it. It can be taught, modelled, learnt and even practiced. The breakthrough for women is that they typically have an innate ability to raise the status of other people, often based on their ability to be empathetic. This means they have an enormous head start in practicing high status charm.
How is the New Girls’ Network unleashing the revolution?
The key to the unleashing the ‘superpower’ revolution is critical mass. To achieve this critical mass, the New Girls’ Network goal is to hand the keys to the superpower cupboard out to as many people as possible. To kick the revolution off The New Girls’ Network will host an event on 10 May in London. We will work with sponsors to take the movement to a far wider audience helping more women unlock the ‘superpowers’ they didn’t even realise they had. Three experts who routinely work with audiences in blue-chip companies will help audience members unleash the ‘why, what and how’ of successful women.
Join us on 10 May 2012 to begin the revolution…
Click here to visit their website.