Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s first minister, has launched a competition to find a young woman to mentor.
Sturgeon is looking for a woman aged between 18 and 23 to mentor for a year in a bid to inspire more female leaders. Alongside the competition, Sturgeon has also encouraged other women in senior roles to follow her example and take on mentoring and to help create a generation of future leaders and greater gender balance in their organisations
More details about the competition, run by Young Scot, will be announced at a later date.
Speaking at the diversity on private sector boards joint partnership event with Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Government in Edinburgh, Sturgeon said, “Equality for women is at the heart of the Scottish Government’s vision for an equal Scotland.”
“My ambition for all our young people is that they will have a fair chance to succeed, and if they work hard and have the ability, there’s nothing to stop them realising their dreams.”
“It is not acceptable in 2017 for women to be under-represented in senior positions, including in the boardroom.”
“This is why our Programme for Government contains ambitious commitments in support of women’s equality, including legislating for gender balance on public sector boards, creating a new Advisory Council on Women and Girls and piloting a Returners Project.”
Continuing, she said, “…I’m determined to play my personal part by becoming a mentor and I would urge other women in leadership roles to do the same.”
“Together, we can be female role models for the next generation and encourage and empower young women to discover their own leadership potential.”
Louise Macdonald, Chief Executive of Young Scot said, “Supporting young people in realising their career potential and meeting their ambitions is the responsibility of every leader in Scotland.”
“Mentoring is a powerful way of helping young people achieve their goals and will help to create a new generation of positive role models to inspire other young women in the future.”
“We’re delighted to support the First Minister and the Scottish Government with this new mentoring programme and we are encouraging as many young women from across Scotland as possible to apply for this amazing opportunity.”