Have you allowed yourself while working, travelling to & fro or in the shower to transport yourself and ponder upon a different choice of… career, different way to exist and in a different environment?
Or have you experienced a strong feeling of longing, saudade (to quote a form of Portuguese and Brazilian music)? Can’t quite express it?
As Elvis, the King of rock and roll sang – What Now, What Next, Where To?
Living Segue™ is the smooth transition to support you, your longings, into reality and in essence capture your moment.
This is one of the offerings at Baudino&Co, an association of coaches and mentors with broad international expertise, various industries and in many languages.
Living Segue™ is not limited to those in mid-life crisis, semi-retired or retired but for –
- recent graduates uninspired by the subject(s) they had heartily embraced but no longer do
- next career steppers
- returning military from active service to civilian life
- those moving up and over
- crossovers from a discipline, style or industry sector to another
My own career life has enjoyed 3 phases and living segues –
- An Academic (the youngest PhD in the UK at the age of 23)
- A businesswoman confronting the glass ceiling in publishing, finance, telecommunications and solar energy
- During my 7 year tenure with Institutional Investor introduced newly privatised Spanish companies to international institutional investors in Asia, the US and Europe
- As CEO of Maxwell Satellite Communications, pioneering satellite communications and video-conferencing to the corporate community
- As the first European Business Development Director to the NASDAQ Stock Market, identified potential IPOs sourced agricultural land in Italy to be converted into solar parks
- At this present time, putting together life and work experience as a Coach and Mentor.
These transitions have not always been easy and have met with challenges and, in the case of a personal business venture, the liquidation of a company.
Embrace the change and the challenge from someone who has done the same…
So, don’t you dare forget to try on those blue suede shoes!
Article written by Catherine Baudino (Baudino&Co)