The rise in women starting businesses all over the world is happening at a staggering rate, and while women continue to struggle to reach the top in larger companies (although this is changing slowly and surely), it’s no surprise that they’re willing to take things into their own hands.
The discussion around feminism has taken profound steps forward in recent years, and the empowerment of women is giving each of them a louder voice and the confidence to become successful entrepreneurs.
Women have often lacked courage within the workplace because of the male domination that’s overruled business for decades. What’s seriously changing now is the support of women from other women, and how this empowerment is being spread far and wide through social media. Women are coming together to encourage one another to be successful, by supporting their dreams and providing advice to motivate and inspire.
There is plenty of evidence emerging to suggest that women make better entrepreneurs than men, so if you’ve ever thought about giving the solo-business a go, read on to find out 5 good reasons why you’re more than capable of being your own boss.
Women are more organised
Research has proven that women continue to pip men to the post when it comes to this skill. Women tend to be better at organisation and discipline in their professional line of work, and this is an excellent trait to possess if you want to start a business.
Businesses can’t be run if they’re unorganised and dysfunctional, and it’s true that men tend to leave things until last-minute more than women. Women are usually more anxious about things not going to plan, and it’s because they prefer to be prepared well ahead of time.
Women are better multi-taskers
Every woman has used the “I’m not superwoman” statement at some point throughout their lives. Women are better at multi-tasking than men, yes, but it doesn’t mean that they’re capable of everything; they’re just better at coping with more work at any one time and can organise and prioritise better when there’s lots to be achieved.
Interestingly, multi-tasking is becoming more important in the workplace as more gadgets are being introduced for different uses, and this is where women can show off their skills. Again, any successful business owner needs to be able to juggle different tasks and here’s proof that women have the edge over men.
Women have more of an interest in wellbeing
The emphasis on wellbeing and mental health and how it needs to be more understood and appreciated within the workplace is starting to show signs of improvement. It’s no lie that the stresses and strains of everyday life are affecting how people work, and women appear to take this into consideration more.
It could be to do with the history of the representation of women, but it seems that women are invested in their health and wellbeing more than men, and social media has no doubt been an influencing factor in this. However, things have changed, and one thing’s for sure: their increased interest makes them great entrepreneurs and leaders, because they’re able to create a more productive and enjoyable working environment for themselves and those around them.
Women are better empathisers
The most successful leaders and entrepreneurs will undoubtedly be emotionally intelligent people, who can connect with various types of people and identify, evaluate and manage emotions of others. While men can also be emotionally intelligent, it’s women that are better empathisers.
In business, success doesn’t just come down to great ideas and a professional mindset, it’s also about how you can foster relationships and communicate people to draw them in to become invested in your business. If you can empathise with someone on all levels, you will have the ability to build stronger relationships and use that to your advantage.
People want to be understood and shown that a company has a real genuine interest in them before they commit to working with them; and for that reason, female entrepreneurs step up to the mark once again.
Women are harder workers
While there is no doubt that men are hard workers too, women have a history of being given a hard time progressing in business, so they have always had to work harder to prove their worth.
Women are more likely to self-doubt and criticise their efforts, which leads to them working even harder to achieve and reach what they see as success.
Women can be perfectionists, but when it comes to business it’s one of the most positive traits to occupy because they will save money and time by rarely investing in something that isn’t right. They will work their socks off and never give up until they’ve succeeded – and if that doesn’t make a great entrepreneur, who knows what does!
If you’re considering becoming an entrepreneur but lack confidence because you feel being a woman comes with disadvantages, then remind yourself of the above reasons because you’re more than capable of becoming a successful businesswoman. Don’t be afraid to become part of the female movement and join the many small companies that are shaping the future of business.
About the author
Leila Wright writes for Inspiring Interns, which helps companies find the perfect intern and career starters the perfect job, in everything from tech jobs to marketing internships.