Coach: Sue Quigley | Life, Executive, Corporate and NLP Coach

Corporate and NLP CoachI am a success Corporate and NLP Coach and Hypnotherapist. As a member of the American Board of NLP, I abide by their strict code of ethics and am certified in the practices of Time Line Therapy®, NLP and hypnosis.

I passionately believe that every single one of us has the ability and all the resources at hand to live a successful and fulfilled life, achieving whatever it is we want to achieve. Having over 25 years worth of experience in the corporate world, I have a deep insight into the pressures and challenges of working in these environments. Being happy in the workplace starts with being happy in yourself. To be successful in any area of your life means feeling successful and that comes from within.

I believe that coaching is a personal thing and the relationship between coach and client is very special; there has to be a connection, complete trust and honesty. That’s why I offer a free 30 minute get to know you session before either of us agree to go any further. You have to know that you can work with me; you have to know that you can trust me, and it’s important for me to know those things too.

Finding Sue Quigley, Corporate and NLP Coach

Prime Locations: Liverpool Street/Bishopsgate/ Skype

Coaching Profile: Life, Executive, Corporate, NLP

Average cost per session: £115 for 1 hour/£155 for 1.5hrs


WeAreTheCity are happy to provide a list of coaches that you may consider engaging with either as a life coach or as a careers coach.  However, we advise all our members to research all individuals prior to engagement to ensure the right fit.

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