But then two minds are better than one. And of course great minds think alike, so you could just ask some friendly colleagues what they think!
There’s something inherently problematic about the throw away language and idioms we hear every day. The opening paragraph contains three seemingly innocent, common phrases alone. But how could harmless sayings like “great minds think alike” be impacting workplace progress? Because an overwhelming body of evidence now shows us that in fact, great minds don’t think alike at all. This was a phrase spawned from the human desire to be with people like ourselves, what sociologists refer to as ‘homophily’.
But in the modern workplace, especially where extreme complexity is an increasingly common feature, it’s those different perspectives, experiences and learnings that help us see past our own blind spots. We all have blind spots, and in a complex environment if we strive only to be with people who think like us, we have little chance of identifying them. Complex problem solving suffers as a result of homogeneity and groupthink.
Are we inadvertently enabling and encouraging divisive thinking by simply being lazy with language and labelling? If we really want to move the needle on workplace progress in a more complex world, we are going to need to find new, fitting language and acknowledge when we are applying unhelpful labels. In 2014, Procter & Gamble launched a three minute campaign video that asked people to run, throw and fight ‘like a girl’. The results were shocking – the ‘like a girl’ label was interpreted as a criticism – a parody of men and women flailing around without strength, focus or direction. Campaigns like this one reveal how quick we are to label ourselves and others to simplify our internal conflict and reduce cognitive dissonance.
This need to compartmentalise and make things easy and straightforward is dangerous. We are far too complex for such one-sided narratives and far too susceptible to a shortcut. The risk is clear – if we are labelled ‘left brain’, then we are logical. If we are logical, we are more likely to be categorised as masculine. Conversely, a right-brained person is labelled as creative, emotional – and, therefore, feminine. It reads with wonderful simplicity – and if only life were so straightforward. We could be packaged, tagged, and assigned where needed because of our obvious characteristics.
To briefly bring this into the scientific realm, the ground breaking work of psychiatrist, author and scholar Dr Ian McGilchrist is insightful. His book The Master and His Emissary explored the myth that intelligent, rational thinking happens in the left hemisphere, while the right hemisphere goes merrily off writing poetry and gazing up at the stars! McGilchrist says “In our modern world, we’ve developed something that looks awfully like the left hemisphere’s world. We’ve prioritised the virtual over the real, the technical has become more important, and bureaucracy flourishes.” He goes on to argue for a critical need to rebalance the use of left and right hemisphere thinking in society if we are to flourish amidst the complexity.
Importantly we need both hemispheres for truly understanding the world around us. In basic terms, the right sees the bigger picture and the left provides it with the detail, and our intelligence and ability to work with complexity is borne out of balancing both sides well. At work, we need to be encouraging people to access the full spectrum of their characters, which today we are starting to hear framed in statements like “bringing your whole self to work”. And when we authentically engage with different perspectives and experiences of others, we really begin to experience the value of diversity.
Fortunately, we are increasingly aware of the need to include and embrace diversity in all aspects of our lives. New research emerges daily on the benefits of gender parity in organisations and perhaps this recognition would be well-placed in how we label our own thinking. If we see our brains and bodies as a harmonious blend of both left and right, masculine and feminine, we will achieve more in our thinking, our creativity and in how we view the world.
The ancient Chinese philosophy of yin yang teaches that opposite forces may be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent. Applied to our thinking, this offers respite from the dangers of being labeled masculine or feminine, left or right-brained – one thing or another. It gives us permission to embrace all of who we are – a balance and blend of everything that’s available to us as individuals. Limitless. And that’s a label to strive for.
Murray Brown is a purpose-led leadership consultant and future of business expert and Co-Founder of Wading Herons
Janie van Hool is a communication coach, award winning business author of The Listening Shift and director of Voice Presence.
24sep13:0014:00Having it all? How the motherhood penalty impacts women’s work beyond pay
24/09/2024 13:00 - 14:00(GMT+01:00)
Having a child is bad for a woman’s lifetime earnings and this “motherhood penalty” is now well recognised as a major component of the gender pay
But how does the motherhood penalty extend to working conditions and the holistic experience of work?
How do mothers fare when it comes to benefits, training opportunities, promotion prospects, control over day-to-day tasks, working hours and work-life balance? How has this been changing over time as the maternal workforce evolves?
Join us to discuss all of this, as well as the factors contributing to mothers’ job quality, including childcare issues, gender roles at home and maternity discrimination, plus practical steps that could be taken to improve mothers’ job quality, wellbeing and retention in the workforce.
The research presented in this webinar is funded by the Nuffield Foundation.
26sep12:0015:30Lady Val's Professional Women's Network Lunch 26 September 2024
26/09/2024 12:00 - 15:30(GMT+01:00)
1 Lombard Street
London, EC3V 9AA
LIVE in London for our September Network Lunch with an award-winning Special Guest Speaker and a stunning new venue! Would you like to achieve more in life
Would you like to achieve more in life and business?
Are you curious to explore your limits and get a sense of just how much more might be possible?
Timeline: Networking starts at noon; we sit down for a delicious lunch in a superlative venue at 12.40; lunch (and speaker) ends at 2.30 pm. Speedy networking from 2.30 – 3.30. Remember how good it is to be together live and in person!
Keynote speaker: Hilary Briggs, International, Award-winning TEDx Speaker
Topic: Using adversity to power beyond expectations
In her talk, Hilary will take you on her journey of transformation in triathlon from low-grade amateur to podium at the World Championships, will give you the crucial three steps in her process, and will describe how adversity powered the way. The big idea for you is not only to achieve a project, goal or challenge beyond your wildest expectations but also how to use those tough moments to power your progress, supported with examples from her own business career too.
We are hosting our September lunch at a stunning new venue:
1 Lombard Street, Bank.
As always it will feature our ever popular after lunch
Speedy Networking where our motto is ‘What I can I do for you, and what can you do for me.’
Book now for this not-to-be-missed event!
1 Lombard Street, London EC3V 9AA
Bank station – Central and Northern Lines.
Central Line – exit 5 is opposite 1 Lombard Street restaurant.
If arriving via Northern line, follow signs to Central line exit.
Reserve your spot here