We as women are creative vessels, often by our very nature, intuitive and psychic beings.
Mothers are the chosen miraculous portals from which life lands earth side. Our voices and experiences are needed for balance and equilibrium. Not just our maiden innocence and physical beauty but also our strength, our passion, our wild connection to the elements and the very fabric of the universe. Our tears, our pain, our love, our rage. All of it.
Men may historically have occupied the platforms, the stages, the engineer’s seat, the director’s chair and the decision-making boardrooms. Patriarchy may have constructed high gates and reinforced ceilings but our voices, our impact and often invisible support has always been interwoven into every aspect of human existence.
We not only deserve a seat at the table, the men who own and guard the table were birthed and nursed by women. We must tell our stories, sing our songs, write our plays, create our movies. Without our voices, there is a void in the human narrative. Without women’s voices, working class voices, BIPOC’s voices, queer and disabled voices and all intersections of these, the tale of humanity suffers a huge loss.
The complex tapestry that makes up our incredibly varied and richly nuanced experience as a race of people must strive to be honest. I sense the walls crumbling, there is still so far to go and yet the responsibility is ours. The truths we are willing to speak, our ability to grow our daughters free and wild and our sons as conscious allies, lies with us.
Imagine a world where girls are unashamed of their bodies and celebrate their life-giving blood and are honoured as the bearers of all our future. Imagine the Arts as truly representative. Not only within our institutions but as a growing revolution within the hearts and minds of our children. Let us push our stories to new and unprecedented limits.
“You were once wild here. Don’t let them tame you.” — Isadora Duncan
About the author
Aruba Red is a London-based alt-soul artist. Borrowing her moniker from the legendary female pirate, Aruba Red is said to have been a fiery, strong, rebellious and independent female seafarer navigating a male dominated world, Aruba Red the artist strives to evoke her spirit and embody her strength and resilience.
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