Playback: The Equality Pandemic: The Global Impact of COVID-19 on Women video | Simon Gallow

WeAreVirtual: The Equality Pandemic: The Global Impact of COVID-19 on Women webinar | Simon Gallow

Recorded live 23 July 2020

One thing is clear about the COVID-19 pandemic, as stock markets tumble, schools and universities close, people stockpile supplies and home becomes a different and crowded space: this is not just a health issue.

On issues from domestic violence to insecure work, women, and other diverse groups, are bearing the brunt of these challenges. Governments, businesses and activists must come together to respond to this emergency – and build a lasting, gender equal future.

This webinar is free, and if you can, please do support UN Women’s COVID-19 response by making one pledge today. Just £15 can provide a week’s worth of hygiene essentials and food for a woman and her children in quarantine. If you donate, please do let Simon know at [email protected] so he can thank you personally, and let you know how you can get involved in this global movement.


Simon GallowAbout Simon

Simon Gallow is an Advocate for UN Women UK, having been Development Director, and a Policy Analyst in the UN Women Economic Empowerment Division in New York. He is also a Strategist for the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), and holds a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Cambridge University.

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