While the UK has seen an extraordinary uptick in media coverage and discussions around menopause in recent months, companies, individuals and other organisations are still challenged to understand in practice what the growing body of information and openness around menopause means for them.
We have gathered leading lights and organisations who are leading the way in the Menopause space to join us for this event. We are honoured to be welcoming Professor Dame Lesley Regan, Chair of Wellbeing of Women, Sharon Vibert, Director, Henpicked, Sam Simister, Co-founder, Gen M, Pamela Hutchinson OBE, Global Head of D&I, Bloomberg, Emma Campbell, Author and Columnist, and Lee Chambers, Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing, as well as guests from the Financial Skills Council, Midlife Switch (The Natural Menopause approach) and Over the Bloody Moon.