Who’s Your Momma?

We are a team of volunteers, running this programme for women working in the UK advertising, marketing and design industry. Since 2015, we have paired over 300 women with one of our incredible mentors (our Momma’s).

Our Momma’s are industry leaders who have changed their own behaviour and beliefs to go further. They will mentor you over a period of 6 months, and support you no matter what your challenges are and no matter what you want to achieve.
We do this because we want to see more women like you rise to the top of your game. With the help and support of one of our Momma’s we want you to reach your full potential and smash through your career goals. This could be anything from having the confidence to go for that well-earned promotion, helping you set sail on a clearer career path, or simply knowing how to manage an awkward colleague (there’s always one).

