In this article, Nicole Russill-Roy gives us her advice at how to get better at making work relationships.
Nicola Russill-Roy is CEO of wedding PR specialist agency (England’s first agency dedicated to representing brands in the wedding industry) – Propose PR and Propose PR Consultancy.
She said, “A major part of my business success has been down to building and maintaining relationships.”
“I live in a little fishing village called Hythe on the Kent coast, where I have a purpose build log cabin style office at the bottom of my garden.”
“I have a small team who all work remotely so it’s just little old me in my home office each day.”
“The agency’s survival and growth, I firmly believe is down to the relationships we have created and continued to work on over ten years.”
Nicola’s tips on how to get better at making work relationships
Know why you are making the relationship
It needs to be genuine, it needs to feel natural and authentic. If you are trying to make a work relationship based on short term gains for you or for selfish reasons then A) they won’t actually work and B) People can see through this and this will not only prevent the relationship forming but you will be viewed potentially in a manner that is bad for your business reputation.
Be genuine
People want to make relationships with people who are genuine, who are real, who they feel they can trust.
Whether you work from home by yourself or in an office environment, it can be far too easy to keep your head down engrossed in your emails and before you know it its the end of the day and you may not have spoken to anyone. Take time out from your desk to network and socialise is so important for work relationships – pick up the phone, connect with people face to face, go for the coffee at lunch with your colleagues, attend that annual team building session you may normally wince at!
Ask what you can do for them
In a work environment we get so engrossed in our own to-do lists, our own deadlines, our own challenges and often will call upon others when WE need THEIR help. Why not, ask how YOU can help one of your work colleagues. they will appreciate your care.
Care and attention
If a colleague has recently got a promotion, won an award or reach a target, take the time to congratulate them, take a genuine interest in their wins. Doesn’t it feel nice when others take an interest in our wins?
Be approachable
Are you someone that others could easily come up to and chat to? Are you a phone dodgy? Do you avoid networking? Do you like to hide behind your computer? Be brave, be confident and be approachable, you may be surprised to learn that many of us can come across as unapproachable due to our body language (think head buried behind computer, glaring at the screen, constant frown on you face as you feel the pressure of deadlines, etc).
Put time and effort in
Even if its just once a week going for an end of week drink or once a month brunch date, all relationships need time invested.
Keep up to date with your work relationships
For example, if someone is off on maternity leave to have a baby why not go and visit them and the new baby, if someone is off on a holiday why not take the time to wish them a happy holiday and arrange a coffee on their return to listen to their holiday tales.