5 reasons why people leave your email list

database structureSo, you’ve started growing your email list by encouraging your Facebook fans to sign up and you’re keeping them engaged with relevant content. But how do you keep people subscribing to your emails list for the long term?

There are many reasons why people leave email lists. But don’t worry, there are ways you can keep them and make sure they stay engaged. Read on for five tips to make sure your email list subscribers stay loyal.

  1. Questions and answers

A regular Q&A section in your newsletter will help you in two ways. Firstly, you can ask your readers to send in the questions they would like answered. This will generate content you know your readers are interested in.

Secondly, the answers to these questions will likely help take some pressure off the running of your business. If, for example, you are frequently asked about delivery costs, this is a good question to include. Your readers have the answer they need and you save time responding to lots of the same question!

  1. Put the spotlight on one of your customers

Your customers will be curious about how other people use your product or service. So, why not spotlight your customers in your newsletter? Ask for volunteers and put aside some time to talk to them about what they value about working with you. Turn this into a story you can put in your newsletter. It’s always encouraging to hear a success story and this type of content is exactly what your readers will want to share on their social networks.

  1. Keep up to date with what’s going on

People come to you because they value your expertise. Making sure you share industry news that will impact your customers will make you a valuable resource to them.

While you live and breathe this stuff – whether you’re a lawyer sharing new legislation, or a retailer giving advice on a new product – chances are your customers don’t spend their time devouring industry news so they will be eager to read what you think the impact is for them.

  1. Optimise your emails for mobile

Many people read emails on their smart phone or tablets, so be sure to optimise your email for mobile devices. Reading emails on the go is a rising trend, so creating emails that easy to view on mobile devices will mean your newsletter gets read more.

Check out some of these templates that help you to easily build a mobile-optimised email.

  1. Ask them what they want

This may seem obvious, but you don’t have to play a guessing game when it comes to content. Ask your readers what they want to see in your newsletters. You can do this by sending out a short survey in your newsletter . “What matters to you?” is a powerful question for any business to ask their customers, and the answers may surprise you – and will save you time in thinking about content for your newsletter.

Hopefully my thoughts about how to keep people reading your newsletters have given you food for thought about what to put in your own newsletters.

For more tips make sure that you sign up to the Constant Contact Hints and Tips Newsletter for marketing advice straight to your inbox.

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Author Bio

Tory Douglass is an experienced digital marketer and content creator. She enjoys helping people promote themselves using all different aspects of the internet. Tory writes about all things digital and how this can help small businesses to be successful.

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