Building journalling into work and home life as a release for the whole family

Article is by Finn Prevett – mental health campaigner and co-founder of

woman writing, dyslexiaDo you find the pressure cooker feeling in your brain begin to release  when you put pen to paper?

Maybe it is your shopping list, your to-do list, perhaps writing a card to a loved one? Whatever it is, there is undoubtably a moment, even if tiny, of ahhhhh, the moment your minds slows down, calms down, and gets what’s inside out.

In these micro moments of writing we start to experience a just fraction of what is achievable with a regular journaling practice. Perhaps you are already an avid writer with a solid journaling routine? If so then you are probably sold on the positive effects journaling has on your mental health? But perhaps you are yet to consider how this magical practice can benefit the small people in your life, or how switching up your journaling routine can have a positive impact on home life and family time?

Here are a few short tips which might help you to maximise on the benefits of journaling both in and out of the home.

Try something new:

A daily journaling habit is a wonderful practice, but like many things, unless we keep it fresh the drive to practice can fade. There are so many types of journaling out there and by trying different things regularly it not only keeps things fresh, it also allows you to learn what types of journaling are good for you at different times. I find that if my mood is dipping and I start to feel depressed then gratitude journaling is very effective. If I feel anxious and I am unable to identify why then free writing is helpful, I just let my mind lead my hand and I see where my pen takes me. In periods of my life that I feel very time poor, but I am craving that sense of release I get from journaling, I use my 5 minute journaling method. I set a timer for 5 minutes and write until it goes off, then stop. All of these journaling types, and many more, help me keep my journaling practice fresh, and enable me to get to know what supports my mental health best and when.

Journal at the end of your working day before you return home or back to family life:

It can be so easy to take our work life stresses and anxieties in to our personal life. When this happens it is hard to clearly identify what is actually causing us the stress and anxiety. Is it the work situation or is it something at home? What I have found really helps me to separate work and home life is a power page session before I enter back in to my personal world from my work world. I allow myself one page to decompress any thoughts from my working day. This actually really helps me to subconsciously let go of any work related stress and enter into my personal life feeling a bit lighter. Doing my power page also gives me the opportunity to give myself a high five for all those little wins throughout the day, tiny things that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Kids can doodle journal:

I have good news for parents and carers out there, that decompressing feeling I referred to that journaling brings us adults, it is the same with children as well! They also get a huge sense of release from journaling, and it doesn’t need to be writing, they can doodle journal and it is just as positive effect on their mental health and cognitive development. Doodling fosters healthy brain development, the ability to retain information and future creativity, this is why we created our newest book The Positive Doodle Diary. At The Positive Planner we are firm believers of journaling as a way to nourish and nurture mental health, and what an amazing way to encourage kids to do so from a young age.

I hope these few tips help inspire you to try different types of journaling to support you in different areas of your life. All our adult journals need just 5 minutes twice a day, and the benefits can quickly be seen! Journaling really is magic and it is one of the simplest ways you can nourish your mind, body and soul.

Finn PrevettAbout the author

Finn Prevett is the co-founder of The Positive Planner.

Head to the site for more information about the brand’s award-winning journals and to read about Finn’s journey.


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