Travelling for work often means crossing time zones, and one of the biggest challenges that come with this is managing jet lag. Jet lag can turn an exciting business trip into a struggle, leaving you feeling tired, disoriented and less productive. But with the right strategies, you can minimise the effects of jet lag and make your work travel much more efficient and enjoyable.

The key is to understand how jet lag works and to prepare in advance to align your body’s internal clock with your new environment. Here are some simple, effective tips to help you manage jet lag during your business travels, ensuring you’re as sharp and energetic as possible when it counts.

Pre-trip preparation

  • Adjust your sleep: Begin shifting your sleep schedule a few days before departure. Heading east? Go to bed earlier. West? Go to bed later.
  • Hydrate: Start increasing your water intake well before your flight. Keep hydrated throughout your journey to combat the dry cabin air.

On arrival

  • Seek light: Use natural light to help reset your internal clock. Morning light helps if you’re waking up too early and evening light if you’re staying up too late.
  • Keep moving: Engage in moderate exercise like walking or stretching. This helps adjust your body clock and boosts your energy levels.

Throughout your stay

  • Power nap: If you must nap, keep it under 30 minutes. This can refresh you without affecting your nighttime sleep.
  • Adjust meal times: Eat according to local time and choose light meals that are easy to digest.

Additional tips

  • Stick to the plan: Once you’ve adapted to the new time zone, maintain the same sleep, activity, and eating schedule to keep your body in rhythm.


Managing jet lag effectively can greatly enhance your performance and experience when travelling for work. By taking proactive steps such as adjusting your sleep schedule before departure, staying hydrated, using light strategically, remaining active and synchronising your meals with local times, you can significantly ease your transition into different time zones. Above all, consistency is your ally, sticking to your new schedule will help your body adapt more quickly. With these strategies, you can make the most of your business trip without letting jet lag slow you down. Safe and productive travels!

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