HeForShe: Chris Fawcett | Head Coach, Social Cactus Coaching

Chris FawcettChris Fawcett is Head Coach of Social Cactus Coaching.

Chris is a Business & Mindset Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and a practitioner of Time Line Therapy® helping new ambitious coaches and service-based business owners to grow and create the business and life they want.

Tell us a bit about yourself, background and your current role

I help coaches and serviced based business women to start, grow and scale their business through powerful communication and sales. I started life in Construction as an engineer and project manager before setting up my own business and becoming a certified Master NLP Coach. I focus on powerful communication and ethical influence, helping our clients to really understand their ideal client through communication so they can not only provide them the right service but help them get the best results possible and have the greatest possible impact on their lives and I believe that how we use language is the biggest driver for this.

I originally had my own business coaching construction professionals and many other industries, however having coached with Social Cactus, it became apparent in April this year, the only way to really scale Social Cactus was for me to join and lead the company forward with Amy. We now have 3 core programmes and we take our clients from Zero to multi 6 figures as we are proving in our VIP Mastermind.

My focus within the business is, business vision, sales and head of coaching. I look after our other coaches and ensure that all clients who work with Social Cactus, get the Social Cactus experience.

Did you ever sit down and plan your career? 

Yes for construction and before I launched my own business I mapped everything out that I wanted to achieve over the next 5 years including income. It all hasn’t come true yet, but I am nearly there. Life is always changing and I believe that you have to have a plan to change it. So I am not afraid to change things if I see a better way, or things aren’t working.  Leaving construction was an easy decision even though I had invested thousands in my training. I saw it as a gateway to better and more exciting things in life.

Have you faced any challenges along the way?

Absolutely, leaving my job, with £300 in the bank, a new house and no clients! That was the first wake up call. If only I knew what I know now! That’s what we help our clients with now, not to make the some of the mistakes that we made, cost us thousands and lots of challenging moments. Ultimately people pay us to help them to get the results quicker with a strategy that works for them, so they aren’t second guessing!

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

Jumping out of a plane on a SOLO sky dive – and surviving! Also becoming a professional Scuba diver – having become a divemaster in Honduras whilst traveling the Americas. 

In business it would be having an £18,000 cash launch in January 2021 in my own business and with Social selling out my first Mastermind with Social Cactus of 6 amazing women which I am hosting with one of our new coaches. We handpicked the clients and the results so far are speaking for themselves.

Chris Fawcett

What one thing do you believe has been a major factor in you achieving success?

Creating and maintaining the belief in myself, the process and what’s possible. It goes up and down but I have always remained strong and confident, even when it looked bleak/challenging. I have always come out of the otherside shining and that’s because I believe I will. I am certain, our beliefs determine our level of success. Ultimately whatever you REALLY believe about yourself you get/receive or will happen.

How do you feel about mentoring? Have you mentored anyone or are you someone’s mentee? 

I mentored an apprentice in construction, and I was mentored to gain my experience by many mentee’s. I also have coached 75+ clients over the last 3 years which is mentoring to some extent. It has a place and depending on the situation, can be as powerful or more powerful than coaching, just from an angle of giving the mentee permission to succeed. Seeing that someone has done it before can give huge amounts of confidence that may not have been there before.

What can businesses/government/allies do to help diversity and inclusion?

It’s simple, treat everyone the same! Review people on their performance, their results and support them where they are in their model of the world. Some people need more assistance than others due to their background. I also believe that everyone has a different outlook on the world and that’s why people act like they do, so I also believe that we need to respect values and beliefs.

Why do you think it’s important for men to support gender equality in the workplace?

I believe that we all need to respect each other and treat other as we would like to be treated. Coming from a predominantly male industry into a heavily populated female industry and an all female business has shown me both sides. I wouldn’t be writing this now if it wasn’t down to my fiance for launching Social Cactus, so I think we all just need to be grateful of the other sex.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self what would it be?

Start investing earlier and harness the power of compounding. As Warren Buffet says “The most important investment you can make is in yourself” this is from a monetary perspective and also in a personal development too! 

What is your next challenge and what are you hoping to achieve in the future?

I’m currently learning to trade cryptocurrencies so I have some financial goals related to this, from a personal level however swimming a mile in our pool in 35 mins! In the business world, we are working towards 7 figures in revenue next year whilst creating the exact life we want and living across 4 countries next year.

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