How to improve your resilience in the workplace


Self-awareness is essential for cultivating resilience in the workplace. This is because it helps individuals to better understand their strengths and weaknesses, recognise their potential, and become more self-motivated.

Being aware of one’s own emotional state can also reduce stress levels and help identify potential triggers for distress. Improving self-awareness begins with understanding how our emotions can affect our thoughts, behaviours, and interactions with others.

Emotional Regulation Therapy (ERT) is an effective way to improve self-awareness. ERT focuses on teaching individuals how to recognise, accept and effectively manage their emotions in order to control them. It involves learning mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.  This increases awareness of the body’s physical sensations while calming the mind. Additionally, ERT encourages individuals to recognise their emotional triggers and develop strategies for dealing with them appropriately.

Another way to improve self-awareness is through the practice of mindful meditation. Mindful meditation involves focusing on one’s thoughts and bodily sensations without judgement or criticism in order to bring awareness into the present moment. It has been proven to reduce stress levels, calm a racing mind and heighten emotional intelligence. It can help individuals recognise patterns of thought that lead to unhelpful reactions or behaviours. Practising mindful meditation regularly trains the brain to be more aware of its automatic responses, which can help cultivate resilience in day-to-day life at work or any other environment.

We all have an emotional response system that can either work for us or against us depending on how well we understand it and manage it accordingly. Self-awareness allows us to view ourselves objectively, enabling us to stay resilient when things go wrong and keep our outlook positive in challenging situations. Understanding our emotions better helps us become better equipped at dealing with not only pressures within work but beyond too. Ultimately leading towards a healthier lifestyle both inside and outside of the office environment.

Being adaptable

Being adaptable is a key skill for success in the workplace. It allows you to think on your feet and quickly adjust to changing situations, using creativity and resourcefulness to get the job done. But how do you become more adaptable? Here are some tips:

  • Review your existing skills. Take note of what you’re already good at and identify areas where there’s potential for improvement. Maybe you need to brush up on certain processes or learn new software programs.
  • Focus on communication. Good communication is essential for successful collaboration. Whether it’s dealing with customers or colleagues, be mindful of the language used and develop an awareness of body language too.
  • Embrace change. Be open-minded about new ideas or working methods, as they could bring positive results that benefit both yourself and the company as a whole.
  • Learn from mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go as planned; instead, review what happened and figure out how it can be improved next time.
  • Take initiative. If something needs doing, don’t wait around for instructions. Make suggestions or volunteer to handle it yourself as this shows initiative and responsibility which will reflect positively on you in the workplace.
  • Have an optimistic attitude. Stay positive when faced with challenges. Having a ‘can-do’ attitude will help motivate others in the team. Keep morale high even when times are tough!
  • Ask questions. Being inquisitive is another sign of readiness to accept change. Asking questions helps build understanding so that everyone involved has a clear grasp of the situation at hand.

Being adaptable in any professional environment is invaluable. By developing these skills, you can become more resilient under pressure and help lead your team towards success!

Resilience training

Resilience training in the workplace is a powerful tool for helping employees improve their overall wellbeing and performance. The training helps to develop individuals’ ability to cope with change, uncertainty and stressful situations, enabling them to bounce back quickly.

Successful businesses understand that having a resilient workforce is crucial for long-term success; it creates an environment of positive energy and productivity. In order to ensure employees are resilient in the workplace, businesses need to invest time into resilience training that helps individuals build up their emotional resilience and strengthen their mental health.

Resilience training should focus on teaching skills such as problem-solving, goal setting, communication, dealing with emotions and promoting self-care. It can involve group activities, individual exercises and lectures, all designed to help build up each employee’s personal skill set. It might include activities such as brain teasers that encourage creative thinking or role-play scenarios that help practice communication strategies. Each activity should be tailored to each individual’s needs and group dynamic.

For maximum benefit from resilience training in the workplace, there needs to be a two-way process between employers and employees. Employers should set expectations on how the training will look while also listening carefully to any feedback given by employees about what kind of topics they would like covered during the sessions. This ensures that everyone involved gets something out of the experience. This will also help create an atmosphere of trust within the organisation which promotes employee engagement.

Regular reviews of resilience skills are important following initial CPR (Continuous Professional Reassessment) sessions so employers can make sure everyone is on track. A range of tools can be used such as surveys or questionnaires which can give a good indication as to how much progress has been made since the beginning of the programme. This also gives employers an opportunity to measure any areas where improvement may be needed by individual staff members or teams overall.

Ultimately, improving resilience in the workplace requires commitment from both employers and employees. It takes dedication but when done right it will lead to better overall mental health amongst staff members that will have positive impacts throughout all aspects of business operations. With careful planning, sufficient resources are allocated towards development programmes such as resilience training sessions and consistent review processes in place. Businesses can then reap many benefits from investing in their workforce’s emotional wellbeing. This will lead to increased job satisfaction, improved morale amongst colleagues and higher productivity rates within teams across the organisation!

About the author

Hayley is a qualified Associate Psychological Practitioner with over 10 years professional experience. Hayley holds a Bsc in Psychology obtained at the University of Manchester, and a PGDip as an Associate Psychological Practitioner from the University of Central Lancashire.

Further resources on mindfulness to improve your resilience can be found below.

Very Well Mind   |   NY Times   |   NHS

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