Cambridge University has come under fire over its gender pay gap, as it is revealed that less than one in seven of its top paid staff are woman.
Out of the 123 staff earning over £140,000 a year, just 17 are women, according to figures released after a Freedom of Information request.
The information request also revealed that despite being a equal opportunities employer, only 11 of the 31 masters at the university’s colleges are women.
The university was forced to reveal its gender pay gap statistics after figures stated that its female employees earned around a fifth less than their male counterparts.
Its annual Equal Pay Review concluded that despite half of its workforce being made up of women, they were, on average, paid about a fifth less.
The review stated, “Female employees occupy 50.8 per cent of positions, the highest proportion since Equal Pay Reviews have been conducted.”
“The gender pay gap including additional payments (total pay) is 20.2 per cent and excluding additional payments (basic pay) is 18.6 per cent.”
“Both have continued to reduce over time and are at their lowest levels since Equal Pay Reviews have been conducted.”
“Male employees continue to occupy a higher proportion of the positions at the higher end of the pay scale compared to female employees, and vice versa (but there has been an overall improvement towards a more equal balance.”
The news comes just weeks after the BBC was forced to defend some of its highest paid stars, as its own gender pay gap was revealed.
A report released by the BBC into the salaries of employees earning over £150,000 a year, showed a large gap between its male and female stars, with only a third of women appearing on the top earners list.
A university spokeswoman said, “The overall gender pay gap at Cambridge continues to fall year on year.”
“The University of Cambridge is committed to the principles of equal pay for work of equal value, freedom from discrimination and recognition of University staff as its greatest asset.”
“As part of this commitment the University analyses equal pay data annually and publishes an Equal Pay Review biennially.”
“The reviews have indicated that the overall gender pay gap at Cambridge continues to fall year on year.”
“The University is committed to taking action to reduce this further.”
“There are a variety of initiatives in progress to support this.”