How can you use emotional intelligence to live your best life?

happy woman with glitter, take the credit, 2020, emotional intelligence

You may have heard of emotional intelligence but how aware are you what it really is and how it can help you live your best life? Sam Evans is a Master NLP Coach specialising in Time Line Therapy® and emotional intelligence and believes we should harness its power to live our best lives – here is why:

Now more than ever, the world is becoming aware of what emotional intelligence is and how vital it is for us as humans to improve our levels of emotional intelligence, also referred to as emotional quotient (EQ), to create the best life we can possibly live.  I realise that knowing what emotional intelligence is, is one element but understanding how to improve it is something completely different.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to master your emotions for yourself and around others whilst knowing exactly what you need to do to get yourself motivated. Just by improving your EQ by 1 point is equivalent of an additional £1,050 per month.  This happens because you begin to know yourself, trust yourself and believe in yourself at a whole new level than you ever did before as you begin to make better choices and decisions towards your goals and dreams with the determination and conviction that anything is possible.

Most people are held back by fears, limitations and of what other people think of them, which prevents them from being able to confidently move forward. But your life is your life, to be lived the best way possible, and it’s only by understanding yourself at a cellular level, you are far more able to achieve your goals faster thus creating a life based on your terms.

There are 5 key areas when it comes to mastering your EQ which if applied effectively can literally transform your life instantly which can be measured using an EQ assessment.

The first key area is self-awareness.

By increasing your levels of self-awareness will not only help you handle off days, but most importantly you will know exactly why you feel the way you do instead of feeling consumed in darkness or pity. The power in this area is not about staying in the negativity, it’s about knowing how to work through it and seeing the good in all that you do and have whilst paying attention to your growth. 

Secondly, self-regulation.

To regulate your emotions is the ability to know how you feel, why you feel the way you do, and knowing exactly how to bring peace of mind into your life by fully understanding yourself. Most of us tend to revert into the comfort zone and therefore avoid making any new changes as it feels uncomfortable. Once you can recognise your emotions and any setbacks you may experience, you will be able to make better decisions, raise your levels of expectations and know exactly what feels right and what doesn’t, when it comes to making huge changes in your life.

Thirdly, motivation.

The majority of people live with the limiting belief of ‘I am not good enough’. This belief links very much to the habit of procrastination, the means to avoid doing something.  By avoiding doing anything new, or making changes in your life, will prevent you from being able to confidently move forward, caused by the limitations in the subconscious mind. Once you understand what holds you back and eliminate any limiting beliefs, you will be able to trust in the moves you make and know exactly what doesn’t work for you. It’s ok to say no to things that do not feel right for you, which is why it’s important to know yourself fully, so you know exactly what makes your heart sing to get you jumping out of bed with joy and happiness.

Fourthly, social regulation and social awareness.

As much as we must master our emotions for our own sanity, it’s also about knowing how to manage our selves in social gatherings. Most people tend to worry about what other people think, but by increasing your social awareness you will know how to effectively be around other people without feeling triggered or reactive as you learn how to effectively regulate yourself.

This is why it’s vital to apply the following steps to begin mastering your levels of EQ to help you live the best life you can.

  1. Understand where you are now when it comes to your self-regulation and self-awareness.
  2. Think about your current behaviours. It’s time to address your current habits and understand what is working for you, and what is not.
  3. Master your empathy. It’s time to set those boundaries that prevent you from feeling drained from other people’s energy and start thinking about what you can do to be more understanding of others.
  4. When you are far more able to understand other people, you are more than likely able to attract and calibrate your ideal type of people. It’s time to nip those energy sucking vampires and attract more ideal people into your life, simply by knowing what triggers you and how to overcome them.

Mastering your EQ will not only help you live a better life, but you will naturally project a brighter more vibrant energy into the world, and thus attracting more of what you want, especially when you believe in you. 

So go co-create the life you want on your terms – not anyone else’s because you were born to be more than just mediocre. You were born to be amazing!

Sam Evans About the author

Sam Evans, based in the UK, lives with her husband and two children and has, through her own self-development, created an empowering coaching practice that has globally helped heal the minds of hundreds of women in the online realm at a subconscious level.

As an accredited Master Coach in NLP, Timeline Therapy™, and Hypnotherapy, alongside her trademarked methods, The Cognitive Switch® and Unlock Your Money Block®, she has helped them confidently increase revenues of up to £1m, create thriving businesses, attract followers, and defeat self-sabotage, by guiding women to become decisive in action and clear in message, by overcoming their worst enemy: themselves.

Sam is an CREA 2021 Brainz award honouree, and has been featured on Fox, NBC and Mum Boss UK, Female First and Mental Magazine. Sam has also appeared on podcasts such as Coach Magazine, Andrew Kaplan’s Shatter the Mold, and Hannah Marie Olivia’s Adulting Advice; Guest speaker at the MIBA International, Women helping women grow summit, at the HerStory Global Summit.

Utilising her excellence as a UK approved TTi® Emotional Quotient Practitioner, specialising in Emotional Intelligence, Human Design, Inner Child Therapy and Silent Counselling, Sam’s mission is to transform the lives of one million women, by diminishing the inner critic to access their infinite intelligence and potentiality by 2030.

Sam Evans’ book – The Cognitive Switch – Turn off self-sabotage and turn on self-empowerment like a flick of a switch is available on Amazon now.

For more information visit:

The Cognitive Switch: Turn off self-sabotage and turn on self-empowerment like a flick of a switch | Sam Evans

When you truly surrender to the inner work, embrace change, and lovingly accept who you truly are, everything is possible.

The Cognitive Switch is a powerful read that will allow you to finally unlock the missing pieces of the puzzle that have kept you stuck, stagnant and stressed, so you can turn on self-empowerment like a flick of a Switch.

Trusting the decisions you make and the actions you take can be difficult when you lack faith, trust and belief in yourself that you are good enough.

But life doesn’t have to be or stay that way.

Using Sam’s four-part framework, it’s time you learned why you have been held back and how you can finally start co-creating an abundant life full of joy, happiness, and fulfilment, simply by tapping within.

It’s time for you to switch off the self-sabotage, and turn on your self-empowerment, like a flick of a switch!

The Cognitive Switch Book Cover Sam Evans
About the author

Alison is the Digital Content Editor for WeAreTheCity. She has a BA Honours degree in Journalism and History from the University of Portsmouth. She has previously worked in the marketing sector and in a copywriting role. Alison’s other passions and hobbies include writing, blogging and travelling.
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