Inspirational Woman: Rosi Chapman | Founder, Transformulas

Rosi ChapmanBeauty entrepreneur and founder of Transformulas Beauty, Rosi Chapman, 56, has over 30 years experience in the beauty industry and is one of the top cosmeceutical experts in the UK.

Rosi has built Transformulas into the global brand it is today through her passion of using skin care products that result in skin health and confidence.

Wife, Mother, Nanna and business woman Rosi believes passionately in beauty without surgery. A self proclaimed Mother Theresa meets Margaret Thatcher, she is a force to be reckoned with, a leading light  within the beauty industry.

Tell us a bit about yourself, background and your current role

I’m a little Mother Theresa and Margaret Thatcher, perfectionist, thinker, doer and very results driven – I never stop!  I am told I’m hard to live with or work for – demanding, but thoughtful and generous. So basically, I am a walking contradiction!

A Philanthropist, very much a giver and believe in the “good”, “everything is for a reason”, very optimistic and positive. Believe passionately in Beauty without Surgery, looking good for your age (at any age) playing my role as a wife, mother, nana, home maker as well as an entrepreneur, businesswoman, and dear friend.

Loyal to a fault, but do not cross me – I don’t forget.  Walk with me, at the side of me or get out of my way but ultimately, I have always believed I am here to do “good” and very blessed.  My life is a mission, my role very natural and has fallen into place.  I’m very focused, and detail is my natural strength. I am very visual due to being dyslexic so when I write any copy, everyone knows I have ?

My strength is in product development, brand look, feel and the results the product produce, it is vital to me that “ I adore them and want/have to use them” basically I can’t live without them. If they don’t tick my box they don’t go to market, full stop.  Quality, Service, Results are Key, and I pride myself and company on them.

I describe my role in the business as the future, looking ahead and delivering for others to take over and manage (which has not always worked).  Having an active mind, I love brainstorming with likeminded people – the energy is incredible and results phenomenal. I am very hands on and turn my hand to most things from wrapping a palette to training airline crew.

Did you ever sit down and plan your career? 

My career was not chosen but fated.  I was married very young and had my daughter at 19 and to make ends meet started a part time job (16hrs) in high street retail, working opposite times to my husband.

However, within 4months I was promoted to a full-time role as a department manager, then got further promotions and invited with a select few to be sponsored for a store managers course. This took me to St John’s College, Oxford as a candidate and lecturer.   At the time I was a cosmetic, fragrance and perfumery buyer and things started to fall into place with various cross roads which led me to start my first company distributing to salons.

It was 2003 when Transformulas was formed (Transformulas – Transform-your-self).  It’s been very up and down and I can always remember being asked if I realised what I was doing.  How could I compete with the big boys?  In my head I wasn’t, I was just doing what was natural and felt right – totally potty when I think about it now but I am still the same.

I don’t see the work, just my vision.  I see the light shining bright, looking good, I don’t give any thought to the electric, wiring just the end result.  A bright beautiful light.  I usually don’t hang around and it’s done – the driven side of me often comes out.

Have you faced any challenges along the way?

Many, many….. too many challenges to mention.  But it is life and forms part of my job. Passion, belief, and survival instincts play a major part in focusing on getting yourself back on track, with a plan and striding forward.

Covid-19 is a massive challenge for me currently, thinking long-term and strong helps keep your team strong and confident.  Without a good team, with good mental health you will find it almost impossible to keep your spirit alive.  Teamwork and positive mental attitude are key.

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

We Launched in 2006 on inflight, the general history of inflight retail is that you last one or two seasons at the most, we currently (until lock-down) fly to 135 countries and since 2006 have had 4 or more constantly in the air.

Marine Miracle has a phenomenal cult following and is very much our signature moisturiser. We Launched Flawless Photoglow just before lock-down, Flawless photoglow is the first skincare product that is designed with cosmetic drone technology (Peptide targeted technology) and SPF (UVA+UVB). First development in the treatment of cancer. The product gives visual radiance results in two weeks opposed to common skincare that can take up to three months or more. It’s absolutely awesome, I can’t be without it or in fact any of my products…

Also I would say like many of us, another big achievement is surviving from March, 90% of our business is inflight retail, but I am in my Madonna phase of my life (re-invention), and excited about what lies ahead.  I’ve never felt so alive and in control as I do now.

From the sad loss of my dear and dearest friend and colleague in June, it has awakened my inner strength and empowered me in the knowledge to actively work to adapt to our challenges and the world’s challenges and live every day with a conscience.

What one thing do you believe has been a major factor in you achieving success?  

Success depends on more than just one factor. It is different for everyone; I have found a number of factors combined have been the key to my success.

Drive, listening to my instincts, listening and making your own mind up with open judgment, learning from mistakes so you don’t do them again –  never giving up on your goals, vision and dreams and putting care into what you do, the people you work with or indirectly, along with your customers who support you ( or don’t in some cases j)

How do you feel about mentoring? Have you mentored anyone or are you someone’s mentee? 

I’ve been told on several occasions from people who have worked with me, or indirectly work or know of me and friends’ siblings that I have and do inspire them.

From being a “normal” mum of two trying to make ends meet, to going out and making a business for myself – I never saw it as that.  I guess I never thought of it and when told it surprised me.

If you could change one thing to accelerate the pace of change for Gender Equality, what would it be?

 I believe we as humans and in this generation have advanced more than I could have dreamed of.   As a company and a person, I naturally treat everyone the same and see no difference in gender, creed, or nationality.

Gender equality or any form of equality comes from education and is very much born from the elders on their views.

Like the environmental damage forged onto the planet from years of ignorance and lack of knowledge it’s taken the young to teach the old, as gender equality will stem from the knowledge of global recognition and maintaining it down the chain so it forms part of everyday life for everyone and all.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self what would it be? 

Try to learn to switch off and learn the skill in saying, “no let me come back to you” earlier in my life.  Still find saying no hard but getting there – it’s only taken 56 years!

What is your next challenge and what are you hoping to achieve in the future? 

My next goal is to bring the company into the family Zone. I want to focus on skincare for the younger and work with my granddaughter who has incredible vision, knowledge, and confidence for her age. (9 years old).

Along with developing new treatment products that bring skin and mental health to the optimum.  If you feel good for your age, any age you are you have a glow and confidence in your eye that many lack.

It’s understanding that beauty starts with mental attitude and health, treatments will respond better as your skin will. On a side note: my team is very important to me; they form part of my family. My responsibility to them is to bring the business out of Covid and make the future stable and secure – my goal is for them to own part of it too.

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