Unmute and master virtual meeting etiquette

Brushing up on your virtual meeting skills, whether you’re using Teams, Zoom or any other platform, is a must in today’s digital workspace.

In the digital age, mastering virtual meetings has become as essential as making a good cup of coffee in the morning. Whether you’re dialling into Zoom, Microsoft Teams or any other platform, the art of connecting effectively with colleagues, clients and collaborators from behind a screen is a skill worth having. This isn’t just about technical know-how, it’s about embracing a whole new etiquette, a blend of old-school professionalism and the nuances of digital communication.

Let’s dive into the virtual world together. By the end, you’ll be navigating your online meetings with the confidence and grace of a seasoned pro. Get ready to unmute, engage and impress in the digital meeting room.

Internet check: Be a pro

Ensure your internet connection is stable. Nothing kills the vibe like freezing mid-sentence. Test your microphone and camera before the call. Look, we’ve all been the “Can you hear me now?” person, and it’s not fun. Use headphones to cut down on echo.

Environment: Set the stage

Your background matters more than you think. A cluttered background can be distracting. Go for a clean, professional look. Natural light works wonders, but if you’re a night owl, some good room lighting will do the trick. Also, keep it as quiet as you can.

Presentation: Look sharp

Even if it’s tempting to stay in pyjamas, don’t. Dressing up a bit can put you in the right mindset for work. You don’t need a suit, but getting out of your sleepwear separates work time from chill time. Position your camera at eye level for a more engaging conversation. It makes you look more present and attentive.

Engagement: Be there, fully

Mute yourself when not speaking to avoid background noise mishaps. We’ve all heard some unexpected things. Pay attention and look into the camera when you talk. It feels more personal like you’re looking at them. Also, don’t be afraid to use the chat feature to share thoughts without interrupting the flow.

Remember to unmute

Before you dive into your insightful comment or answer a question, double-check that you’re not muted. It’s easy to forget, especially if you’ve been diligently muting yourself to avoid background noise. A glance at your mic icon before you speak can save you from the awkward “You’re muted” reminders. It’s part of the new digital etiquette. Just like “please” and “thank you,” “remember to unmute” is a phrase that’s equally courteous and crucial. So next time you’re about to share your thoughts, take a second to ensure your voice will be heard. After all, your contributions are valuable and the mute button shouldn’t stand in the way of your participation.

Follow-up: Seal the deal

After the meeting, a quick follow-up email can work wonders. Share a summary, action items or just a thank you note. It shows you’re engaged and on top of things.

Practice makes perfect

Like anything else, the more you do it, the better you get. Join calls a few minutes early to get comfortable. Play around with the features of your platform. Familiarity breeds confidence.

Keep these points in mind, and you’ll be mastering virtual meetings in no time. The goal is clear communication and maintaining a professional vibe, even if you’re joining from your kitchen table. Happy meeting!

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