Inspirational Woman: Carly Taylor | Co-Founder, Real Handful

Carly TaylorCarly Taylor is the co-founder of Real Handful, a nutritious snack brand.

Carly founded Real Handful alongside her husband, Joe.

Tell us a bit about yourself, background and your current role

Mum, Foodie, Marketer. I have always worked in food most recently for a large food manufacturer before joining Real Handful – a healthy snacks business co-founded with my husband back in 2016. I studied marketing at Sheffield Hallam University and went on to do a CIM Post Grad Diploma At Real Handful my role is varied as we are relativetly small team with a mission to provide healthier snacks to help fuel unruly households like ours. We have three boys so life is busy and no two days are the same.

Did you ever sit down and plan your career?

No I accidently fell into the world of food while temping after university but never looked back. Food manufacturing and private label is often seen as the unglamorous side of the category but its often the teams that sit within these businesses that are ultimately driving change in the world of food and drink. It’s fun working for a brand and being on the other side, seeing people engage with the brand and building an online brand community gaining insight on what really matters is quite different to working with food development teams I enjoy both!

Have you faced any challenges along the way?

It’s been a little tricky managing a work/life balance with three young boys in tow particularly the sleepless night phase. I have found my balance by working a four day week.

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

I have lots of things I am proud of and particularly managing to run our own business while having a family, but probably working alongside the team in the USA to launch Beyond Meat into the UK, a truly inspiring brand that is changing the way we eat, I love brands that exist for a higher purpose.

What one thing do you believe has been a major factor in you achieving success?

I have always been quite determined and love a challenge, I am not one to give up. I think my ongoing belief in fate has allowed me to take some risks and achieve success that I otherwise may not have, I am always optimistic and believe the next big thing is just around the corner.

How do you feel about mentoring? Have you mentored anyone or are you someone’s mentee?

I believe mentoring and being mentored is really important, you never know everything and one persons knowledge is another persons gain. We encourage internships at Real Handful they are quite often mentoring me with social moving at such pace!

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self what would it be?

Everything you do matters however small.

What is your next challenge and what are you hoping to achieve in the future?

To drive brand awareness of Real Handful and have an impact on helping households to snack in a healthier way. Long term I would love to help other start up brands, there are so many great ideas out there.

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