Inspirational Woman: Natasha Orumbie | Founder, N.O. Cakes R Better & The Bake-ulator

Natasha Orumbie

Natasha Orumbie is the founder of N.O. Cakes R Better. Natasha has over 10 years experience and helps bakers to turn their hobbies into profitable businesses.

Tell us a bit about yourself, background and your current role

My name is Natasha Orumbie and I’m wife to Adonye of 20 years and mother to three beautiful children Ayana 16, Adonye 14 and Joshua 12.

After having baked for 10 years with what transpired to be a profitless business, I almost quit. I could make life-like novelty cakes but I had no idea how to run a business. I made it my mission to learn how to make my business profitable and in doing so I was able to turn it around and create my dream business and now I support other baking business owners to do the same.

N.O. Cakes R Better is now a global six figure business helping thousands of business owners all over the world to turn their businesses around!

Did you ever sit down and plan your career?

My initial plan was to a lawyer! But that failed miserably after I flunked my A-Levels and did not get into the prestigious Universities requiring As and Bs when all I managed to achieve were Ds and an N! Who has even heard of an N grade?!

But that led me to a University in London to study English, a subject never on my list, although I enjoyed it and the only thing I felt I could do with that subject was teach it! So I became an English teacher!

I spent 15 years in the profession, with a short maternity break mid-way before I parted with education in that field in 2015 after really challenging times directly relating to the role and management in the school I was in at the time!

Have you faced any challenges along the way?

School can be a very political playing field and at the best of times is very challenging just due to the nature of the work. I moved from just being a teacher into management after just 18 months in the profession and let’s just say with the intense workload that comes with the job, if you don’t have supportive management, it is unsustainable.

I left after a 6-month period of poor mental health as a result of not just unsupportive, but wilfully abusive management that led to 70% of that cohort of the workforce leaving the school. I ended up in my local authority position after a year taking a significant pay cut and demotion to an administrative role in another school. It seemed accidental but I very much can see how it was a hugely important part of my journey and the only way I would have had the capacity to grow my business the way I have over the past 3 years.

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

My biggest achievement was our first six figure year in 2021! Although it was in dollars! And launching our brand new cake pricing app this year, The Bake-ulator a very close second!

What one thing do you believe has been a major factor in you achieving success? 

I’m a born again Christian and I firmly believe that my faith in God has been a massive part of my success. I also think having a robust marketing strategy.  It’s made all the difference.

How do you feel about mentoring? Have you mentored anyone or are you someone’s mentee?

I am a firm believer in mentoring. I first started to see the changes in my business when I gained a mentor and I have not been without one since. It’s definitely why mentoring is a significant part of my business model. I know without a shadow of a doubt I am called to share what I have learnt to enable others to have success too.

If you could change one thing to accelerate the pace of change for Gender Parity, what would it be?

I would make it mandatory for companies to have policies that forced them to have 3rd party scrutiny on their recruitment processes and to ensure that they actually practice what they preach. Many companies have policies but their practice is not in line with their policies and you can’t investigate yourself!

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self what would it be?

Stop worrying about what other people think of you and just be yourself. I spent years hiding my true identity and personality as I believed others would not like me and I would be less successful as a result. I have found the contrary to be true.

What is your next challenge and what are you hoping to achieve in the future?

My next challenge is to grow this app to a multi-million pound business! That is the next imminent objective if it hasn’t already been achieved by the time you are reading this! I am determined to be a part of helping thousands of other female baking business owners all over the world to transform their businesses into profitable ones instead of expensive hobbies and this app will be a massive part of helping them to price correctly and this will help me achieve that objective!

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