Most flexible companies to work for in 2023 revealed

Flexible working, two female colleagues working together in cafe, hybrid working

Flexa Careers – the global directory of verified flexible companies – has released their pioneering annual report on the 100 most flexible employers to work for around the world.

The report, which is the first of its kind to empirically measure flexibility, was produced through researchers analysing hundreds of thousands of data points to compare the benefits, working hours and location on offer at various companies. These data points were then used to give companies a fair and accurate rank score. If companies scored over 50%, which is above average, a sample of employees relative to the size of each company were surveyed to assess employee satisfaction.

The report has found that startups and scale-ups are the most flexible companies to work for, but larger companies are getting better at offering flexible working. SaaS and HR companies are leading the charge when it comes to offering flexible working to staff.

As the demand for flexible working soars, Flexa aims to celebrate and showcase the most progressive, flexible companies that talent can find. According to the research data, the number of job seekers expressing a preference for ‘remote-first’ roles (where staff spend most but not all of their time working remotely) more than tripled between January 2022 and December 2022. During the same period, the number of workers expressing a preference for roles with ‘fully flexible’ working hours increased by 23%.

Flexa’s empirical measure of flexibility is groundbreaking as the demand for flexible working practices continue to skyrocket. This year’s report reveals key insights into 2023’s top 100 workplaces to work for globally.

The most flexible companies to work for worldwide are:

  1. Locum’s Nest – the remote-first health tech that comes with an office in Cyprus
  2. Boldly – a subscription staffing startup that offers enhanced parental leave
  3. Prolific – a digital research platform where every other Friday is a ‘wellness’ day off
  4. Joint ranking – FourthRev – the fully-remote ed-tech whose staff are based all over the world & Tyk – a software development scale-up that comes with team building holidays
  5. Filtered – provides L&D software for corporates, and shared parental leave for staff

Startups (companies with less than 100 employees) and scale-ups (comapnies with no more than 300 employees) dominate the list, accounting for 81% of the entire list. Larger companies (with 1000 or more employees) also rank higher than ever before. TELUS International was the top ranking large company this year and last, and moved up from 44th place in 2022, to 13th in 2023: the highest a company with over 1000 staff has ever placed in the report.

Looking at the flexibility of sectors as a whole, SaaS companies account for over a quater (26%) of the Flexa100 list. HR & Recruitment is the second most flexible sector, with 14% of the list being made up by HR companies.

Molly Johnson-Jones, co-founder and CEO of Flexa comments:

“Flexible working is no longer a ‘nice to have’. For the near-three quarters of a million job seekers using Flexa alone, flexible working has become a ‘must have’. Since last year’s report, we’re increasingly seeing this reflected in policy making, with new and soon-to-be laws recognising that flexible work is now firmly a part of the mainstream, and that it’s here to stay. In the last few months alone, employers have moved to make the 4-day working week a permanent fixture, and policymakers have progressed bills to enshrine shorter working weeks in law and give all employees the right to request flexible work from their first day of employment. Rafts of progressive companies have known the importance of flexible working for some time. 2023’s Flexa100 is a testament to them.

“Startups are still leading the way when it comes to flexible work. But one of the most promising trends to emerge from this year’s report is that larger companies are ranking higher than ever before. The myth that it’s not possible to be flexible when you’re operating globally and managing thousands of staff has been well and truly debunked by the likes of Mars, Virgin Media O2 and TELUS International in this report.

“In 2023, there’s no excuse not to offer staff choice over ways of working. Or, at least, there’s a rapidly-shrinking talent pool ready to meet companies who choose not to.”

View the Flexa100 list here

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