With a newborn baby on the way, it’s easy to get lost in the wonder of all things delicate and tiny. Particularly with your first baby, there’s a huge temptation to buy every gadget and product there is for your little one, but it’s useful to remember that many of those items you purchase may be an unnecessary expense.
Of course, a changing mat, crib and stroller are must haves; anything that will take up less space will be your best friend. What many forget about is just that – space. Consider plastic containers that are easy to slide under a crib, as well as canvas bags that you’re able to hang up.
It’s with this that the team at Alligator Storage has developed a great infographic detailing the best ways to make room for your new addition! Looking at ways to double up furniture, essentials you require for your baby, specific space saver options; eating and sleeping, there is so much you can to do to prepare yourself as best you can – saving money and making the most of your space at home.
Provided by Alligator Storage