Feminism gave women of my generation an infinity of choices and opportunities to lead. We could cheer for the boys and play alongside them; look effortlessly elegant while chairing a board meeting, performing surgery, or saving the world. And never for a second did we doubt we would have it all.
But then we grew up and the life we were supposed to handle flawlessly in 5-inch heels suddenly became considerably more complicated. Today, women are regularly trapped in an astounding set of contradicting expectations: to be the perfect mother and manager, the comforting spouse and competent boss. Not only do we strive to be the perfect person, and the perfect leader, but we blithely assume we will achieve it all. And when, inevitably, we don’t, we don’t blame the media, or our mothers, or the clamoring voices of others. We blame ourselves. Below is an excerpt from my newest book, Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection, addressing the issue:
“Women are still sorely under-represented at the top of the professional pyramid: only 15.2 of the board members of Fortune 500 corporations, 16 percent of partners at the largest law firms, 19 percent of surgeons. Indeed, there seems to be some sort of odd demographic guillotine hovering between 15 and 20 percent; some force of nature or discrimination that plows women down once they threaten to multiply beyond a token few.”
Are today’s female leaders trying to be Wonder Women? Although you aren’t putting on the cape and costume everyday, watch here to see a glimpse into the theme of my new book, and see if you can somehow relate.
How did we get here, trapped into a very small corner by a movement that was supposed to free us? When did being good become being perfect? And, most importantly, where do we go from here? As women in leadership, it’s up to us to bravely raise these questions, and, most importantly, demand answers and fight for solutions.
To read more, and for information about purchasing the book, please visit www.wonderwomenthebook.com.