Green together | Make every day Earth Day

Earth Day is like a big birthday party for our planet, celebrated every year on the 22 April. It’s not about cake and candles, it’s more about giving back to Earth and saying thanks for all the amazing things it gives us, like air, water and beautiful nature.

The why and how of Earth Day

Why do we have Earth Day? Back in 1970, a guy named Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin decided it was high time we all paid more attention to protecting our beautiful planet. Pollution was getting out of hand and not enough people were talking about environmental issues. Earth Day was his way of getting people to sit up and notice. And guess what? It worked! Millions of people joined in and it kick-started environmental movements all over the world.

Celebrations and actions

All sorts of things happen on Earth Day. Schools might organise clean-up days, communities come together to plant trees and there are rallies and marches to raise awareness about issues such as climate change and wildlife conservation. It’s a day when people, young and old, do something meaningful for the environment, like recycling more, using less water or learning about how to live more sustainably.

Getting involved

There are loads of ways to get involved, whether you’re a solo act or want to join a group. Here are some ideas:

  • Plant something: Grab a shovel and plant a tree or start a little garden. Even a few flowers can help bees and butterflies thrive.
  • Join a clean-up: Whether it’s a beach, park, or neighbourhood, picking up trash makes a big difference.
  • Learn and share: Find out more about environmental issues and share what you learn with friends and family. Knowledge is power!
  • Go digital for the day: Cut down on electricity use. Unplug gadgets, enjoy some outdoor activities or read a book instead of watching TV.
  • Recycle right: Take a closer look at recycling. It’s not just about throwing things into a bin; make sure you’re doing it correctly.
  • Support eco-friendly businesses: Buy from companies that care about the planet. Look for products that are made sustainably.

Making every day Earth Day

The real magic happens when we take the spirit of Earth Day into every day. Imagine if everyone did just one small thing for the planet every single day. We’d see less pollution, more green spaces and healthier wildlife. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, carrying a reusable water bottle or choosing to use your bike over driving can all add up to a big impact.

Earth Day every day

Earth Day reminds us that we’re all in this together, sharing one beautiful, irreplaceable planet. It’s a day to celebrate Earth’s wonders and commit to being kinder to our home. But the journey doesn’t end on the 23 April, let’s carry the message of Earth Day forward, making conscious choices to protect our planet every day.

Getting involved in Earth Day can be as simple as pledging yourself to live a little greener or as big as organising a community event. The point is, that everyone can do something and every little bit helps.

A collective effort

The beauty of Earth Day lies in the collective effort. When millions of people around the globe come together, even the smallest actions can lead to big changes. It’s a powerful reminder that we can shape a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

This Earth Day, let’s all pledge to do our part. Plant a seed, both literally and figuratively, for a greener tomorrow. It’s not about doing everything, it’s about everyone doing something. Together, we can make a world of difference.

If you’re in the UK and keen to get involved with Earth Day, there are a couple of fantastic organisations and events where you can start:

Friends of the Earth   |   Sierra Club

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