Most coaches believe their clients will get better results working with them one-on-one rather than in a group coaching program.
As a coach, you naturally believe that you are the one who helps clients get results. However, instead of relying on one-to-one calls to create transformation with clients, it is entirely possible to create a group coaching environment that delivers the same, and even better results than working with clients one at a time.
You may be wondering how this is possible….
Firstly, by leveraging the power of community. When clients work with you one-to-one their learning is limited to just you. In a community, your clients have the opportunity to learn from the others you’ve selected to join the programme. As long as you keep your ego in check about your clients learning from each other rather than just from you, this encourages rapid learning and transformation opportunities for your clients.
If you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with, your client’s perspective of what’s possible for them will explode when they join a high-level community.
Secondly, if you structure the curriculum and group calls effectively, you can provide a container for the biggest transformations.
When you craft your curriculum with a clear pathway for creating client results and learn how to run great group calls, where everyone feels seen and supported, your group container can become even more valuable than a one-to-one experience with you. You can provide one-to-one support in a group coaching program, it just might not be private.
If you continue to believe that all your clients get the best results by working one-on-one with you and don’t set up a group coaching offer, you limit your ability to grow your income and impact by serving more people. Or worse, you launch a group offer and end up serving your clients in that coaching program as if they’re one-to-one clients, and that’s exhausting!
But when you design a group coaching container with better-than-one-to-one-results in mind, your programme is able to become the go-to in your niche and you’re able to create more income and impact while working less.
Set yourself up for freedom
The best thing about setting up an evergreen programme is that you can serve clients continuously, without having to show up and be available to them 24/7. People often assume that being evergreen with your programme delivery simply means that your client has purchased a self-serve, passive course where there is no further involvement from you. If you’re selling a high-ticket group coaching programme, this isn’t the case at all.
A high-ticket evergreen program is different from a low-ticket evergreen program. If you’re not familiar with either of these terms, a low ticket offer refers to anything under £2000 and a high ticket offer is considered to be anything over £2000, but this can vary a little depending on the niche.
I’m a big advocate for the former because it supports much bigger results with your clients. And while a higher ticket programme may feel exciting because of the bigger price, you need to ensure that you’re delivering a first-class experience.
That first-class experience does not need to be delivered live though! You can pre-record training sessions that give instant access to your clients. This also helps you switch from delivering 60-90 minute live sessions to delivering 5-20 minute nuggets of information that encourage fast action but can also be watched at the pace each client is working at. In a high-ticket group training programme, your clients are typically paying for results from implementation over sitting through hours of information.
Recorded training sessions can also be delivered with a wider variety of learning styles in mind. You can provide transcripts, workbooks, templates, put different speeds on the videos or share purely audio-based options. This has the benefit of supporting people who learn in different ways.
By moving your programme curriculum into an instant-access version, you free up time on group calls, giving you the opportunity to focus on deep-dive question-and-answer sessions and help each client with where they’re at on their individual journey.
Here are five tips on how to deliver a high-ticket evergreen programme:
- Spend time creating an automated and streamlined onboarding process.
That can deal with 10 or more new clients in one day. You may never sign 10 clients in a day but that figure is a good stress test for your onboarding system. Automation to streamline onboarding is key because that gives you time and space to add in the personalization that’s going to make the client know they’re valued and deliver content in a timely manner with little involvement from you.
- Set boundaries.
Include an entire section about the onboarding process in your programme curriculum as this helps to set expectations with your clients on how to make the most of the programme and explains the ways in which they’re supported by you. When you set clear boundaries at the start, you won’t ever feel as though you’re over-delivering, or delivering high-touch one-to-one support in a group environment. The ethos of an evergreen programme is to free up more of your time, not spend more of it on delivery!
- Choose a delivery style that works best for you.
If you don’t want to offer weekly coaching calls, you don’t need to. If you don’t want to deliver the entire curriculum on your own you can bring in expert coaches to support you and your clients in the best way possible. Think about where you add the most value to your clients with your unique set of skills and set that as your North Star.
- Consider what your clients actually need from you.
If you’re moving from one-to-one coaching to an evergreen group training programme, you may feel as though they need more of your time, but that may not be the case. When you’re clear on what your clients actually require to create transformations you can reverse engineer that pathway for them without as much involvement for you if that’s what you desire.
- Tweak and improve continuously
One of the best things about running an evergreen group training programme is that you can constantly tweak and improve it. Each new client that joins the programme will bring a fresh perspective and anything you learn from your clients can be added to the curriculum. With our evergreen programme the Freedom Accelerator®, we work with a Facebook Ads Specialist and she often has to re-record training modules because Meta has made changes – which happens often! Contrary to what you may believe now, your existing clients will love these changes because they feel as though they’re getting even more value from you and their time in the programme.
About the author
Rose Radford is a multi-award winning business mentor, Amazon bestselling author, speaker and creator of the Millionaire Girl Next Door® brand, who is dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs unlock their income potential.
Since building a 7-figure location-independent business in a few short years, Rose discovered that only 12% of female-led businesses ever reach 6-figures. In fact, the income gap between female- and male-led businesses is even wider than the gender corporate salary gap…!
Her book, the Evergreen Revolution is available on Amazon now.